Валерий Радаев решил организовать в регионе город-курорт

The governor of the Saratov region, Valery Radaev, made the expected statement. After the president of the State Duma, Vyacheslav Volodin, took the initiative, the head of the region demanded to assign the status of a tourist city to one of the settlements in the region.

The head of the region made the corresponding statement yesterday at a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Saratov Region. Without giving the reasons for this decision, Valery Radaev demanded that the president of the Saratov Regional Duma, Alexander Romanov, and the head of the Khvalynsky district, Alexei Reshetnikov, develop a legislative framework to recognize Khvalynsk as a tourist city in the region. meaning.

This statement was widely discussed by the regional media, and even references were made to the recent visit of the Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin to the Khvalynsky district, during which the speaker of the lower house of parliament said that the aforementioned agreement it should receive the status of a resort town. The "kick" of the president of the State Duma worked, and the head of the region immediately demanded to prepare a regulatory framework.

In fact, there is nothing unusual about this. The higher-ranking official took the initiative and the lower-ranking official promised to execute him. If it weren't for a few "buts". First of all, since the late 90s, Valery Radaev has repeatedly received proposals to assign Khvalynsk the status of a tourist city. He ran the Khvalynsky district from 1996 to 2005, and the statistics of receipt of such proposals from city residents and various public and political figures of the district can be easily traced in the archive of the Khvalynsky municipal newspaper "Zvezda". And since then, when Valery Radaev became governor of the Saratov region in 2012, he has received similar proposals. However, they did not pressure the official to make the appropriate decision.

Second, both Valery Radaev and Vyacheslav Volodin are natives of the Khvalynsky district. The first is the village of Blagodatnoye, the second is the village of Alekseevka. And if Vyacheslav Viktorovich left his small homeland at a young age, and since then he has not been there very often, Valery Vasilyevich lived in the Khvalnysky district for more than 40 years (taking into account his studies at the university), and roughly what the residents of Khvalyn want, you should know first-hand. And since the status of a tourist city is the only possible path for the strategic development of Khvalynsk, that decision should have been made 20 years ago.

Third, Vyacheslav Volodin is not much younger than Valery Radaev (by 3 years), but he has much more experience in managerial work. Of course, it is commendable that the governor of Saratov listens to the position of his junior and senior partner and compatriot, but isn't it time to make decisions without being kicked by him?

The inhabitants of Balakovo are probably not very interested in the problems and development paths of the neighboring city. But we live in the same area. And if your leader is not able to make decisions independently without receiving indications from above (this can include a lot of initiatives from Volodin, starting with the transport tax, ending with a change in the state of the roads), then this it is already a reason to think. on the competence of the authorities of the region.

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