
الوكالة الوطنية للإعلام – Floods and cold volcanic lava kill 12 people in Indonesia

NNA - At least 12 people died, including children, and four others went missing due to flash floods and a torrent of cold lava in western Indonesia, paramedics reported this Sunday, according to Agence France-Presse.

The tragedy occurred in the provinces of Agam and Tanah Datar, in the west of the island of West Sumatra, according to the Basarnas Investigation and Rescue Agency.

The head of the agency, Abdul Malik, said in a statement: "12 people were killed (...) and the search for four others continues in the Agam region."

He explained that nine bodies were identified, including two children, ages three and eight.

Heavy rains fell on the area throughout the hours of Saturday, causing flash floods and a torrent of cold lava from Mount Marapi, a volcano located in the state of West Sumatra, according to the Basarnas agency.


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