13 tips for using Twitter to build and grow your company’s community

Social media and the cryptocurrency and blockchain industries seem to be a perfect fit. What better way for companies in the industry to communicate in real time and build communities than through platforms designed to do just that? While many companies and marketing industries are highlighting "new" sites like TikTok, much of the crypto audience remains dedicated to Twitter, with the platform offering its own list of tools and trends to suit industry needs.

Still, using Twitter to build, grow, and engage with your community requires more than posting or sharing the occasional tweet. Next, 13 members of Cointelegraph Circle of Innovation shares his tips for leveraging Twitter to build cryptocurrency and blockchain communities.

Learn the 'language' of Twitter

Cryptocurrency and blockchain companies can better engage their communities on Twitter by learning to speak the language. Understanding shorthand, jargon, and memes is key to ingratiating a brand or thought leader with a community. – molly glennon, Idem

Keep your community involved in your construction process

Being authentic is everything on Twitter, especially with crypto audiences. Share updates, build in public, and keep your community involved in the process. You can get great buy-in from your audience if they feel they are contributing to the success of the company. Ask for feedback as much as possible. – ty smith, Coinbound

Look for feedback in real time

Twitter is a very beneficial platform for cryptocurrency companies to engage with their communities for real-time feedback. Whether it's information about new features that have been released or news that has just been announced, it's crucial to engage with your community and show your users that you value their opinions and truly factor them into your decision-making process. decisions. – ayelet noff, SliceBrand

Incorporate humor and visual elements.

Twitter can be a powerful tool for cryptocurrency and blockchain companies to connect with their communities and grow their audience. Incorporate humor by posting eye-catching charts, infographics, and engaging Twitter polls; live tweet events; and reply to and retweet posts from other enthusiasts. Stand out and make a lasting impression by adding humor and visuals to your Twitter presence. – Erki Koldits, OÜ Popspot

Interact with your audience

While it's hard to predict anything related to Twitter these days, there's one thing the platform will continue to do: continue to be a massive tool for community engagement and word-of-mouth marketing. Talk and listen to your audience. Get involved with them. Be accessible. Prioritize transparency and honesty, share regular updates and show off your capabilities. Twitter Spaces is a great tool for this. – Sheraz Ahmed, STORM Partners

Have fun, but be responsible

Despite the increase in reels on social media platforms, Twitter is still the most efficient way to communicate cryptocurrency news and updates. Crypto businesses that stay in regular contact and keep their communities informed and engaged can gain a larger audience. However, where bravery can be harnessed to win a following, it is no match for the realities of the marketplace. You can have fun, but be responsible. – Oleksandr Lutskevych, CEX.IO

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Focus on community interaction and socialization.

Keep the community up to date with new technological advances and use Spaces to engage with community members who may be curious. Organic growth is now a key ingredient in achieving sustainability in crypto projects. VC-based projects will not be able to compete in the long term with organic versions where the distribution is wider, so community interaction and socialization are critical to reaching the ultimate goal. – Jag Deep Sidhu, syscoin foundation

Take advantage of interactive events

Twitter can be used to share updates and information about a company's projects, developments, and partnerships, as well as host live Q&A sessions, AMAs, and other interactive events. These could help keep the community informed and engaged. Additionally, sharing educational content about crypto and blockchain, such as articles, videos, and infographics, also helps drive engagement on Twitter. – Vinita Rathi, systango

Maintain a regular presence and level of participation.

Focus on the four key elements of social media: share valuable content, engage with your followers, host giveaways and content, and use Twitter features like polls, AMAs, and live Twitter Spaces. Maintain a regular presence and level of involvement, and always behave honestly and openly with other members of the community. – Theo Sastre-Garau, NFNight

Host recurring Twitter spaces

A blockchain company may host recurring Twitter Spaces to give its community an opportunity to ask questions about the company's products, interact directly with the team, and learn more about developments in the blockchain space. Businesses can also use these spaces as opportunities to be transparent with their community, which is key to establishing trust and building excitement. – antonio georgiades, pastel net

Share insights and industry updates

It's important to share knowledge, and not just about your own product. Providing clear explanations of new developments is a great way to grow your community and position yourself as a serious player in the Web3 space. Whether you're posting individual tweets or deep threads, your audience will appreciate that you provide value and engage with the broader ecosystem. – Wolfgang Ruckerl, ENT Technologies AG

Bridging the knowledge gap between builders and users

It aims to reduce the knowledge gap between builders and users in cryptography. Reporting, considering the broader environment, asking questions, and encouraging discussion and disagreement will all help keep people engaged. Promotions are great, but they are just one element of crypto Twitter. – yaoqi-jia, AltLayer

Try Airdrops (but beware of scammers)

Airdrops announced via Twitter have done quite well in recent years. The problem is that everyone knows about them, and there are a lot of people hiding behind aliases who scam people. You need to identify and report if someone is copying your company's Twitter account to build their own fan base, or it could end up destroying your brand. – Zain Jaffer, zain companies

This article was published via the Cointelegraph Innovation Circle, a vetted organization of top executives and industry experts in blockchain technology who are building the future through the power of connections, collaboration, and thought leadership. Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of Cointelegraph.

Learn more about the Cointelegraph Innovation Circle and see if you qualify to join.

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