25% of NFT owners have a collection of 51 or more โ€“ CoinGecko Report

Crypto data website CoinGecko has published survey results indicating that the majority of non-fungible token (NFT) holders own 51 or more NFTs, while those who only own a single NFT made up the smallest group among the respondents.

Posted on April 6, CoinGecko report examined 438 responses from December 2022 to January 2023 together with Blockchain Research Labs.

At least 1 in 4 NFT holders (26.5%) said they are "avid collectors" with 51 or more NFTs at the time of the survey, and the report notes that this group likely represents people who are the more enthusiastic about NFTs. He pointed:

"This suggests that people rarely stop participating in NFTs after the first one."

It was closely followed by incumbents with 2-5 NFTs (17.6%), while those with only 1 NFT accounted for just 4.8%.

Source: www.coingecko.com

Nearly 4 in 10 respondents (38.8%) purchased their first NFT during the first bull market of 2021.

Even though 2022 saw crypto enter a bear marketstill saw the second highest influx of new NFT collectors in the last five years, with just over 25% acquiring their first NFT during the year.

Source: www.coingecko.com

Meanwhile, just 2.9% got their first NFT in 2017, the same year Crypto Kitties and CryptoPunks launched.

It was noted that NFT development may accelerate adoption in 2023, highlighting Bitcoin ordinals and stamp NFTs, as well as Blur's overtaking. OpenSea to become the main NFT marketplace.

Related: OpenSea's advanced NFT marketplace generates mixed reactions in the community

In recent news, OpenSea launched OpenSea Pro on April 5, an NFT marketplace aggregator aimed at meeting the needs of professional users, which is a refined version of NFT aggregator, which OpenSea acquired in April 2022.

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