2K director shares online harassment stories

Corey Andress, Community Director of 2K, has detailed the abuse he receives on social networks, after the racist harassment of English footballers this week.

Andress took Twitter in the wake of England's loss to Italy, which caused several team players to receive a torrent of racist abuse and harassment on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

In the thread of the tweet, Andress spoke about the types of abuse, stalking and harassment that both he and his family have been victims: โ€œWhile it pales in comparison to what these players face, I know what it is to be abused through social media "

Andress goes on to say, "Anonymity is great sometimes, but it's been abused. [on] these platforms and should not be tolerated. "

A Change.org petition, which wants to introduce mandatory identification requirements for social media accounts, has seen a surge in popularity following racist harassment.

Celebrity Katie Price created the petition earlier this year. The change would remove anonymity on social media platforms, thus likely reducing racist and abusive behavior.

The petition has more than 650,000 signatures. However, the government has previously responded, pointing the public towards its Online Safety Legislation, which aims to make service providers more liable for abusive and dangerous content.

The response, which the government published in early May, rejected the idea of โ€‹โ€‹introducing mandatory identity verification for social media. However, the number of new signatures could force the government to reconsider the debate.

In other gaming news, fans have found what appears to be a reference to Shrek's house in the last map of Hunt: Showdown.

A fan saw the map shortly after DeSalle's map released last week, and then posted an image to the officer. Hunt: Showdown Reddit page.

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