5 AI tools for learning and research

AI tools are revolutionizing learning and research in today's digital age by providing sophisticated capabilities and effective solutions. These tools make use of artificial intelligence to speed up various tasksincrease production and offer interesting data.

Consensus, QuillBot, Gradescope, Elicit, and Semantic Scholar are five popular AI tools that are frequently used in the fields of learning and research.


the goal of the consensus AI search engine is to democratize expert knowledge by making the results of studies on a variety of topics easily accessible. This state-of-the-art engine, running on GPT-4, uses machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) to analyze and evaluate the content of the web.

When you ask the "right questions", an additional AI model examines the posts and collects relevant data to answer your query. The phrase "correct questions" refers to inquiries that lead to findings that are well supported, as shown by a level of confidence based on the number and caliber of sources used to support the hypothesis.


QuillBot it's a artificial intelligence (AI) Writing assistant that helps people create high-quality content. It uses NLP algorithms to improve grammar and style, rewrite and paraphrase sentences, and increase the coherence of the work as a whole.

QuillBot's ability to paraphrase and rephrase text is one of its main strengths. This could be especially useful if you want to keep your research paper original and plagiarism-free while using data from older sources.

QuillBot can also summarize a research paper and offer alternative wording and sentence constructions to help you put your thoughts into your own words. QuillBot can help you add variety to your writing by recommending different sentence constructions. This feature can improve the readability and flow of your research papers, which will attract more readers.

Also, ChatGPT and QuillBot can be used together. To use ChatGPT and QuillBot simultaneously, start with the output from ChatGPT and then transfer it to QuillBot to refine it.


Widely used in educational institutions, gradoscope is an AI-powered rating and feedback tool. The time and effort required for instructors to grade assignments, exams, and coding projects is greatly reduced by automating the process. Its machine learning algorithms can crack the code, recognize handwriting, and provide students with detailed feedback.

Related: How to use ChatGPT to learn a language


Obtain is an AI-powered research platform that simplifies data collection and analysis. Uses NLP Approaches to gain insights from unstructured data, including surveys, interviews, and social media posts. Researchers can quickly analyze large amounts of text with Elicit to find trends, patterns, and sentiment.

Using Elicit's easy-to-use interface, researchers can simply design custom surveys and distribute them to specific participants. To ensure correct and relevant data collection, the tool includes sophisticated features, including branching, response validation, and skip logic.

To help scholars correctly analyze and interpret data, Elicit also offers real-time analytics and visualizations. Elicit streamlines the research process, saves time, and improves data collection for researchers on a variety of topics thanks to its user-friendly design and powerful capabilities.

semantic scholar

semantic scholar is an AI-powered academic search engine that prioritizes scientific content. Analyze research papers, extract crucial information, and generate recommendations that are relevant to the context using machine learning and NLP techniques.

Researchers can use Semantic Scholar to research related work, spot new research trends, and keep up with the latest developments in their fields.

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Striking a Balance: Leveraging AI in Research Responsibly

It is crucial to keep moral standards in mind and avoid plagiarism when employing AI research tools. Using another person's words, ideas, or work without giving proper credit or permission is known as plagiarism. When using AI research tools, the following guidelines can be followed to avoid plagiarism and maintain ethical standards:

  • Understand the purpose of the AI โ€‹โ€‹investigation tool.
  • Attribute sources correctly.
  • Paraphrase and synthesize information.
  • Verify information from multiple sources.
  • Check copyright restrictions.
  • Review and edit AI-generated content.
  • Look for ethical AI tools.

While AI research tools can be beneficial in improving your research and writing processes, it is important to maintain academic integrity and observe ethical standards. Always make an effort to give others fair credit and make sure your work accurately reflects your own thoughts and understanding.