6 Questions for David Chaum of XX Network โ€“ Cointelegraph Magazine

We asked builders in the blockchain and cryptocurrency sector for their opinions on the industry ... and added some random comments to keep them on their toes!

This week, Our 6 questions go to David Chaum, one of the first blockchain researchers and a world-renowned cryptographer and privacy advocate. He is the founder of Elixxir, Praxxis and the XX network, which encompass his decades of research and contributions in the field of cryptography and privacy.

David Chaum is the creator and founder of XX network, the first consumer-scale, online platform ready for quantum technology that enables the communication and exchange of value without revealing so-called "metadata". David is a pioneer in cryptography and privacy preservation technologies, and is widely recognized as the inventor of electronic cash. His work on cryptographic "vault systems" contains the first proposal for a blockchain protocol, containing all but one element, detailed 26 years later in the Bitcoin white paper. David's company DigiCash implemented an innovative cryptographic blind signature protocol in 1995 to create the world's first anonymous digital currency, eCash.

one - What do you think will be the biggest blockchain trend over the next 12 months?

At this time, non-fungible tokens seems to be in fashion. But I think that in the next 12 months, you will see that people will finally appreciate what true decentralization is. When people realize that they can sit at the table, that they can own and participate in the governance of an entity, that is when we will start to see a lot of innovation and mass adoption in the blockchain sector.

People will begin to realize how much venture capital money has come into this space over the past five years and will come to their senses about these false prophets.

two - What's the most innovative blockchain use case you've ever seen? It may not be the one most likely to be successful!

Satoshi's Vision: the right and ability to participate in economic activity (and benefits). Money is tied to encouraging freedom and democracy by ensuring that political freedoms are never repressed and can be financially supported.

3 - What are the top five Crypto Twitter feeds you can't do without and why?

@Defi_Dad is one of my new favorite feeds that I recently posted. Very insightful. He is a very no-nonsense, level-headed person in this space, which is notoriously full of shilling machines.

@rogerkver is a visionary who doesn't get enough credit for helping people. It's also a big reason we're on the road to mass adoption.

@snowden is someone who speaks truth to power, whenever he gets the chance. He is not afraid to speak his mind.

@danheld is incisive, he doesn't miss a beat. Everyone should follow you, brilliant mind.

@laurashin has her finger on the pulse of crypto, she's the Barbara Walters of crypto.

4 - Make a list of your favorite sports teams and choose the most memorable moment to watch them. If you're not a sports fan, pick a few movies and wait!

The final chapter of 2001: a space odyssey it was enough to worry me about the digital future. I saw it when it came out and it obviously had a huge impact.

5 - What were you like in high school?

Ummm ... I spent a lot of time at UCLA. The truth is, I decided to spend time at UCLA instead of going to high school. It was the 60s and we still had the freedom to do things like this.

6 - What makes you angry ... and what happens when you get angry?

People who do not realize that democracy is not a fact. The health of our society is not a fact.

It makes me angry that there are not enough people concerned about the possible bad results that threaten us. In this reality we live in, where information and the media are obviously manipulated, we get so many messy results that none of us want because our shared common sense gets lost in the confusion.

A wish for the blockchain community:

It's over. Everything is global and decentralized. Governments, corporations, will have to catch up, but that's it. We are a global community. Governments believe that blockchain and cryptocurrencies are in question, but they are not. It's the future. Snows. Has arrived. It's done.

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