6 Questions for Mati Greenspan of Quantum Economics โ€“ Cointelegraph Magazine

We asked builders in the blockchain and cryptocurrency sector for their opinions on the industry ... and added some random comments to keep them on their toes!

This week, Our 6 questions go to Mati Greenspan, a crypto analyst and the founder and CEO of Quantum Economics, an investment analysis and consulting firm for the cryptocurrency space.

Mati is a former Senior Market Analyst at eToro and a licensed money manager in the European Union. He is the co-author of the e-book. The Complete Guide to Fintech Trading and Investing and currently publicly advises LunarCrush, Electroneum, and Luno.

1 - Does it matter if we ever find out who Satoshi really is or was? Why or why not?

Even though our team is conducting extensive research on this, I don't think we'll ever be able to say it definitively, and I hope no one realizes. There is a certain appeal to the mystery of the origin of Bitcoin that I think keeps people engaged in the network.

2 - What do you think will be the biggest trend in blockchain during the next 12 months?

It's really hard to say that far in advance in an industry that's moving so fast. Personally, I hope to see more utility-based products. non-fungible tokens (NFT). Using them to unlock exclusive content, such as event tickets or as part of role-playing games, is extremely exciting.

3 - What is a problem that you think blockchain has a chance to solve but has not yet been tried?

That is a funny question. I would say that free and fair elections are a problem faced by many countries, and I have not seen enough effort in the blockchain space to solve it. Perhaps now that crypto-friendly politicians are being chosen In the United States, we will finally see it happen.

4 - When you tell people that you are in the blockchain industry, how do they react?

Most of the people I know already know this, so it's not much of a surprise anymore. More and more, people are getting familiar with Bitcoin (BTC) and blockchain, so I guess it is becoming more and more common to have a job in this industry. I'm always happy to see people quit their jobs to work for Bitcoin and go out of their way to help facilitate that.

5 - Do you subscribe to the idea of โ€‹โ€‹Bitcoin as a means of payment, as a store of value, as both ... or as neither?

Yes, both. For me, a lot. Most of my team at Quantum Economics prefer to be paid in Bitcoin. It is much faster, easier and cheaper to deal internationally than any payment application or bank. The third part of the trilogy that defines money is a unit of account, which is a bit more difficult to get used to, but more and more we begin to think in terms of Bitcoin.

6 - What would you like to see tokenized? When, if ever, would you expect this to happen?

The Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci. I've been tweeting about it at the Louvre for a while now. In my opinion, it is only a matter of time. It could happen any day, really.

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