7 artificial intelligence examples in everyday life

Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly important in our daily lives. AI can automate routine and time-consuming tasks, allowing us to focus on more important activities. Also, AI algorithms can analyze large amounts of data to personalize products, services and experiences. Additionally, AI is driving innovation in various industries, such as finance, retail, and education.

Here are seven examples of artificial intelligence in everyday life.

personal assistants

AI-powered personal assistants like Siri, Google Assistant, and Amazon Alexa are built into smartphones, smart speakers, and other devices and can perform a wide range of tasks, from setting reminders and sending messages to playing music and controlling devices. smart home.

social media

Social networking sites use AI to examine user preferences and behavior, suggest relevant material, and personalize the user experience. Also, fake news, hate speech and other harmful content are found and removed thanks to AI systems.

For example, Meta uses AI to detect and remove fake news and other harmful content. Instagram uses AI to recommend posts and stories based on user behavior. TikTok uses AI to personalize the user experience and recommend videos.

Customer service

Businesses are increasingly using virtual assistants and AI-powered chatbots to deliver 24/7 customer service. These chatbots use natural language processing to understand consumer questions and provide relevant answers.

For example, many companies, such as H&M, use AI-powered chatbots to provide customer support. These chatbots can handle a wide range of inquiries, such as order tracking and returns processing.

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Health care

Artificial intelligence applications in healthcare include patient monitoring, drug research, and medical imaging. Medical image analysis, abnormality detection, and diagnostic support are capabilities of AI algorithms.

For example, Merative (formerly IBM Watson Health) uses AI to analyze medical images and help doctors make diagnoses. The Ada app uses AI to help users identify symptoms and connect with healthcare professionals.

Related: 9 Promising Blockchain Use Cases in the Healthcare Industry

electronic commerce

Customers receive product recommendations from e-commerce sites, such as Amazon, using artificial intelligence algorithms based on their search queries, browsing histories, and other information. As a result, sales increase and customer satisfaction increases.

autonomous vehicles

AI is used in autonomous cars, trucks, and buses to sense their surroundings, plot routes, and make judgments while driving. It is anticipated that this technology will reduce collisions, traffic jams, and pollutants.

For example, Tesla uses AI to power its self-driving cars, which can navigate roads, highways, and parking lots without human intervention.

smart home devices

Smart home devices such as thermostats, lighting systems, and security systems use AI to learn user preferences and adjust settings accordingly. These devices can also be controlled remotely using smartphones or voice commands.

For example, Philips Hue uses AI to adjust lighting based on user preferences and ambient light levels.

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