A man in northern Kentucky arrested in a child pornography investigation

A man in Boone County was arrested Thursday and charged with possession of child pornography. According to the Boon County Sheriff's Office, lawmakers have begun investigating the online activity of Ryan Gilfoil, 33, in Burlington. They were able to connect to his computer from a file-sharing peer-to-peer network with a computer owned by the Campbell County Police. Once the connection was established, the officer received more than 100 videos from his computer. Authorities were able to obtain Gilfoil's home address from his IP address. Since Gilfoil lived in Boone County, Campbell County Police turned the investigation over to the Boone County Sheriff's Office. The agent executed a search warrant at Gilfoil's home Thursday. According to the sheriff's office, the man admitted to the detective that he used torrent software to download videos of girls performing various sexual acts. Held at the Boone County Detention Center with a $ 10,000 cash guarantee.

A man in Boone County was arrested Thursday and charged with possession of child pornography.

According to the Boon County Sheriff's Office, lawmakers have begun investigating the online activity of Ryan Gilfoil, 33, in Burlington. They were able to connect to his computer from a peer-to-peer file sharing network using a computer owned by the Campbell County Police.

Once the connection was established, the officer received more than 100 videos from his computer. Authorities were able to obtain a private address through Gilfoil's IP address.

Gilfoil lived in Boone County, so Campbell County Police turned the investigation over to the Boone County Sheriff's Office.

Lawmakers executed a search warrant at Gilfoil's home on Thursday. According to the sheriff's office, the man admitted to the detective that he used torrent software to download videos of girls performing various sexual acts.

Gilfoil was arrested and charged with one count of possession or viewing of material depicting the sexual activity of a minor.

He is currently being held at the Boone County Detention Center for $ 10,000 in cash.

Northern Kentucky man arrested in child pornography investigation

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