A torrent of cruelty from Republican Legislature

We are seeing a continuous torrent of cruelty from the Republican-dominated Legislature this year. Cutting taxes for the wealthy, trying to limit SNAP benefits for the needy, stealing public school kids to pay for private religious schools, and harassing LGBTQ citizens, especially trans kids.

Unfortunately, cruelty is the point. Politically active evangelical Christians, who make up the core of the Iowa Republican Party, want to see "sinners" suffer. This is why so many of them still believe in a literal Hellโ€ฆthey want โ€œsinnersโ€ to suffer eternal torment, and apparently they want the suffering to start on this side of eternity as well.

Why are the people of Iowa putting up with this? Why have Christians strayed so far from the teachings of the Prince of Peace? In 2024, we can begin the process of restoring civility to the Iowa Legislature. But the "lesser of these" in Iowa will already have been hurt by the cruel laws that are being passed right now and signed into law by Governor Reynolds. We don't have to take this. We can fight back at the polls and take back our state from the clutches of politically active evangelicals.

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