Aave’s proposal to launch on zkEVM passes ‘temperature check’ vote

A “temperature check” proposal to implement the Aave decentralized exchange (DEX) on the zkSync Era mainnet was approved with overwhelming support from the Aave community.

When vote closed on April 16 more than 99% of Aave (GHOST) token holders voted to launch the third version of the lend-and-lend protocol at zero knowledge Ethereum virtual machine (zkEVM).

According to the proposal first submitted on March 26, the release will be limited to USD Coin (USDC) and ether (ETH).

Now that the temperature check has indicated "positive sentiment", the next steps listed in the proposal will be to move to another stage for further discussion, followed by evaluation of risk parameters and finalization of the proposal.

If the next steps are successful, the proposal will be submitted for on-chain governance voting and approval.

Only around 0.02% voted against the proposal and another 0.02% abstained from voting.

According to the proposal, implementing in zkSync can benefit the Aave ecosystem by introducing new users to decentralized finance (DeFi) and consolidating Aave as a top-tier lending platform within the zero-knowledge ecosystem.

Related: Stablecoin adoption could lead to DeFi growth, says Aave founder

The Aave community previously voted to implement the Aave V3 codebase on the zkSync v2 testnet, which was approved on another off-chain. vote.

The Uniswap decentralized exchange is also ready to launch in scaling solution provider Polygon's zkEVM solution after a governance proposal was successfully approved.

In November 2022, Aave changed its governance procedures after he was hit by a $60 million short attack that ultimately failed.

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