Actor Prateik Babbar Opens Up About His Birthday Plans – S.G.E

Actor Prateik Babbar turned one more year on Sunday. Speaking about his birthday plans, Prateik shared: “I have a Cobalt Blue movie on the horizon for its release. Meanwhile, I am also working on a project in Jaipur. So, I will spend my time working this year and I am happy to celebrate it that way. I live for the moments between the action and the cut and I would love to do the same on my birthday. Mary Elizabeth Winstead's Birthday: 5 Best Movies From Her Filmography We Can Answer For (Watch Videos).

Although with that said, my team is like my other family, and I'll be sure to take them out to dinner. ”Currently, Prateik is gaining recognition for his role on Kunal Kohli's web show 'Hiccups and Hookups,' which also stars Lara Dutta. . Waluscha De Sousa's Birthday: The host of the Indian Pro Music League is an impressive sight to behold in these ethnic ensembles! (To see photos).

Speaking of Cobalt blue, the film is scheduled to open on December 3.

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