AI and cryptocurrency are hungry, hungry hippos

Dim the lights in your house? Warm the planet more? Both artificial intelligence (AI) and bitcoin mining are advancing in this way in their enormous energy use for all the necessary computing power.

In the April 2024 issue of Physics today, David Kramer explains how AI in Chat-GPT or added to Google searches will massively increase electricity use, equivalent to the total energy demand of the Netherlands by 2027. Let's add cryptocurrency mining by users of Bitcoin, Ethereum and others; He guardian points out that energy consumption matches that of Sweden. Are these massive uses productive?

Several studies show that many corporations, perhaps most, are jumping into AI on a regular or poorly planned basis, out of โ€œfear of missing out.โ€ Of course, there are productive ways. Our son, David, uses a form of AI, machine learning, as a team working to develop brain implants to help disabled people. Cryptocurrencies as they are currently used are at best a form of gambling with huge swings in value and at worst a way to transact illegal drug trade and more.

Some corporations see legitimate uses, such as secure banking, by adapting blockchain technology from cryptocurrencies. that's a good step; Banks have a poor cybersecurity record. The combination of AI and cryptocurrencies, banking, scientific research, energy networks and climate promises to be a pretty wild ride.

This has been an outreach activity by Las Cruces Academy, which can be viewed at

History of Physics today April 24, American scientist October 23, and The Guardian March 29 '22

Image: In Physics Today, p. 29

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