Asylum seekers in Rugby hit with torrent of racist abuse online

Police have launched an investigation into alleged racist comments made online against asylum seekers in Rugby.

Refugees who fled their homes in Afghanistan in a desperate attempt to flee the oppressive Taliban regime appear to have faced a different kind of opposition since arriving in Warwickshire.

The police investigation comes amid strong rumors that at least two hotels in Rugby they are believed to house asylum seekers.

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One of the hotels in question told WarwickshireLive that it had signed a private contract with the Home Office.

TO Warwickshire The police spokesman said: "We are conducting a malicious communications investigation following alleged racist comments made online targeting asylum seekers in Rugby.

"This investigation is ongoing and we will not confirm the details of the locations involved."

The UK government has pledged to host 20,000 refugees from Afghanistan.

Thousands of Afghans served with Western military forces, many as interpreters, during the bloody 20-year conflict in their homeland.

Many were evacuated from Afghanistan due to serious security concerns after the Taliban came to power following the withdrawal of Western troops.

The UK has pledged to relocate some 5,000 people this year as part of the government's Afghan Assistance and Relocation Policy (ARAP).

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Municipalities are supporting the program, which could see the UK host some 20,000 Afghan asylum seekers over the next few years.

Warwickshire County Council announced last month would take about 100 Afghan refugees.

The news sparked a great deal of support and a flood of donations from families across the county.

Rugby Town Hall

On the specific issue of asylum seekers staying in Rugby, a spokesperson for the Rugby Borough Council said: "The Home Office is responsible for accommodating asylum seekers, who are in accommodation in all areas of authority. local.

"The Home Office does not provide details of the accommodation locations they use for protection reasons, but they do publish some data on support for migration by local authority area in "

The Home Office said it was working urgently to ensure that thousands of Afghans evacuated to the UK "in exceptional circumstances" are supported to "rebuild their lives, find work, pursue an education and integrate into their local communities."

A spokesperson added: "Due to the unprecedented demand, we have had to use temporary accommodation, such as hotels, to manage the demands of the asylum farm."

Additionally, arrivals from Afghanistan must comply with the mandatory UK quarantine period and must stay in hotels to do so.

"We are very grateful to the local authorities who support these initiatives and would encourage others to offer their support."

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