‘Biased, deceptive’: Center for AI accuses ChatGPT creator of violating trade laws

The Center for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Policy (CAIDP) filed a complaint with the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in an attempt to stop the release of powerful AI systems for consumers.

The complaint focused on OpenAI's recently released large language model, GPT-4, which the CAIDP describes as “biased, misleading, and a risk to privacy and public safety” in its March 30 complaint.

CAIDP, an independent nonprofit research organization, argued that the commercial release of GPT-4 viola Section 5 of the FTC Act, which prohibits "unfair or deceptive acts or practices in or affecting commerce."

To back up its case, AI's ethics organization pointed out content on the GPT-4 system card, which indicates:

“We found that the model has the potential to reinforce and reproduce specific biases and worldviews, including stereotypical and demeaning associations harmful to certain marginalized groups.”

In the same paper, he stated: “AI systems will have even greater potential to reinforce ideologies, worldviews, entire truths and falsehoods, and cement or block them, preventing further contestation, reflection and improvement.”

Complaint filed by the Center for AI and Digital Policy against OpenAI. Fountain: CAIDP

CAIDP added that OpenAI released GPT-4 to the public for commercial use with full knowledge of these risks and that no independent evaluation of GPT-4 was conducted prior to its release.

As a result, the CAIDP wants the FTC to conduct an investigation into the products of OpenAI and other operators of powerful AI systems:

“It is time for the FTC to act [...] CAIDP urges the FTC to open an investigation into OpenAI, prohibit further commercial releases of GPT-4, and ensure that necessary safeguards are put in place to protect consumers, businesses, and the commercial marketplace."

While ChatGPT-3 was released in November, the latest version, GPT-4 is considered ten times smarter. Upon its release on March 14, a study found that GPT-4 could Pass the most rigorous US high school and law exams within the upper 90th percentile.

It can also detect smart contract vulnerabilities in Ethereum, among other things.

The complaint comes when Elon Musk, Apple's Steve Wozniak and a crowd of AI experts signed a petition to "pause" development on AI systems more powerful than GPT-4.

CAIDP President Marc Rotenberg was among the 2,600 other signers of the petition, which was presented by the Future of Life Institute on March 22.

Related: This is how ChatGPT-4 spends $100 on cryptocurrency trading

The authors argued that “advanced AI could represent a profound change in the history of life on Earth”, for better or worse.

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has also called on states to implement the UN "Recommendation on the Ethics of AI" framework.

In other news, a former Google AI researcher recently alleged that Google's AI chatbot "Bard" has been trained using responses from ChatGPT.

While the researcher resigned over the incident, Google executives have denied the allegations made by their former colleague.

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