Block CFO Amrita Ahuja breaks down the companyโ€™s long-term growth strategy and how it positions itself for success

Amrita Ahuja, Chief Financial Officer, SquareSquare
  • Square Inc., now called Block, is expanding its narrative to include companies of all sizes.
  • Your CFO, Amrita Ahuja, he told Insider about how the cryptocurrency is influencing his financial growth.

Square Inc., which recently change Its name at Block, equips people with tools to help run and grow their businesses, including business solutions, business software, and banking capabilities.

Block is a global technology company focused on financial services that includes digital payments company Square. The firm, led by Jack Dorsey, who recently Under as CEO of Twitter, reported a gross profit of $ 1.13 billion in the third quarter, while its Cash application offer generated $ 512 million.

Although revenue growth slowed from previous quarters, the company almost duplicate your payments in the third quarter - $ 15.5 billion - for companies with more than $ 500,000 in annual sales. Previously, small businesses with annual paid sales of less than $ 125,000 outperformed these big sellers.

This is positive news for Block CFO Amrita Ahuja. Square has been attractive to smaller businesses, but Ahuja told Insider that he had worked to expand his narrative: He wants to support small and large businesses not only with payments, but also with integrated software and solutions, hardware and financial services. Ahuja said explaining his fast-growing Cash app to people was also key to his messages.

Previously, Ahuja was CFO at Blizzard Entertainment, where she focused on the intersection of digital media and video game publishing. Ahuja told The Wall Street Journal this year who was enthusiastic about Square because of its impact on small business owners like her parents, who had immigrated from India and owned a daycare in a suburb of Cleveland.

Block earnings report said it ended the third quarter "with $ 7.4 billion in available liquidity, with $ 6.9 billion in cash, cash equivalents, restricted cash and investments in marketable debt securities, as well as $ 500 million available to be withdrawn from our revolving credit line. "

Ahuja said that this financial status puts Block in a position for long-term success.

"We believe we have a strong balance sheet that gives us the flexibility to invest for the long term both organically and opportunistically and inorganically, and we expect our balance sheet to grow over time," he said.

Ahuja said Block's investments tended to be long-term. While willing to adapt, the company strongly believes that investing for long periods will show the strongest returns, he said.

"As we measure the effectiveness of those investments, we think about compelling unit economics and the efficiency of the returns on those investments in product development, sales and marketing, and customer operations," he said.

Ahuja said that he believes that artificial intelligence / machine learning and cryptocurrency and blockchain technology will disrupt commerce and other fields in the future.

Ahuja said artificial intelligence and machine learning would help companies like Block launch products in industries that would otherwise be restricted due to a lack of technology or inappropriate risk models. These new capabilities, he said, could open the funnel and give more people access to automation tools.

"AI / ML will allow companies and their employees to be more efficient - the potential to quadruple revenue and only double employees," he said.

And Ahuja said that he believes that while cryptocurrencies may be initially used as an asset like gold, they will act more like a currency in the future. "The verifiability, transparency and independence of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency will be disruptive," he said.

Ahuja said he wanted Block to develop skills in these two areas and have a solid understanding of their capabilities.

One way Block stays ahead of the curve is through investments in its The newest one business unit, call TBD, which focuses on building an open and decentralized platform for exchanging bitcoin. This is in addition to developing from hardware wallet Block, a product that Block says will normalize the storage of bitcoins. It is also said to be considering developing a bitcoin mining system to help make mining more accessible.

According to Bitcoin Treasury Bonds, Block had around 8,000 bitcoins valued at around $ 376 million as of Tuesday.

To further solidify its place in the cryptocurrency industry, Block has committed $ 10 million through its Bitcoin Clean Energy Investment Initiative to support a more sustainable bitcoin ecosystemAhuja said.

Cambridge Bitcoin Electricity Consumption Index has estimated that cryptocurrency uses more energy than nations like Sweden, Insider reported earlier this year. A Bloomberg report in July he estimated that bitcoin mining machines around the world used the same amount of energy as Bangladesh.

"We hope that this initiative will accelerate the transition of the entire blockchain to clean energy rather than just removing carbon from bitcoin that [Block] processes, "said Ahuja.

Clarification: Square Inc. is now known as Block. We update the article to reflect that change.

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