Blockchain arms race risks being won by โ€˜adversarial nationsโ€™ โ€” US crypto lobby group

A blockchain lobby group backed by Goldman Sachs, Citi Group, Circle and Fidelity has urged the United States Congress to pass a legal framework for digital assets or risk falling behind other nations.

On May 19, the US Chamber of Digital Commerce sent a call to action to Congress and the Senate to prioritize passage of a national approach to crypto regulation.

The organization added that it requests that Congress organize a โ€œSolarium Commission on Blockchain Technology and Digital Assetsโ€ to develop a โ€œnational strategic approach to digital assets and blockchain technologyโ€ in the US.

There was a stern warning that failure to act would allow "rogue nations" to promote activities in space that "jeopardize US leadership and the primacy of the dollar."

Excerpt from the call to action of the Chamber of Digital Commerce:

mentioned Porcelain as an example of such contradictory action with the development of an internationally focused Blockchain-based Service Network (BSN) to โ€œincorporate global development and trade and fill the gap created by the US.โ€

He also cited the growing number of countries considering or choosing to trade with China directly in the yuan and abandon the US dollar. These include Saudi Arabia, RussiaFrance, Brazil and India, he wrote.

On a similar note, the organization mentioned the potential BRICS digital currency and other developments regarding gold-backed digital currencies by Russia and Iran.

The report concluded that regulatory and legal opacity in the US is "hindering the nation's ability to lead and take advantage of this innovation revolution," adding:

"This abdication is seriously hampering national development and ceding advantages to other nations at the expense of the American innovator and investor."

The name of the proposed commission refers to Project Solarium, which was created in the aftermath of World War II and the beginning of the Cold War by President Eisenhower to counter the threat of Soviet expansion.

The Cyberspace Solarium Commission, created in 2019, was created to develop a strategic approach to defending against cyberattacks. The cryptocurrency advocacy group wants a similar strategy on digital assets and blockchain technology that "is in desperate need of consensus in the wake of other nations' advances."

Related: US Chamber of Commerce criticizes SEC's 'random' regulatory efforts

The Digital Chamber of Commerce is an American advocacy group founded in 2014 that promotes emerging technologies in the blockchain industry.

On May 19, the group endorsed Senator Tom Emmer for introducing the Securities Clarity Act, which aims to provide much-needed regulatory clarity for the crypto-asset and blockchain industry in the US.

Meanwhile, the Securities and Exchange Commission stands firm that existing rules that were formed decades ago still apply to this new form of digital finance and its underlying technology.

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