Book review of American Happiness and Discontents: The Unruly Torrent, 2008-2020 by George F. Will

It is true that Will tends to old-fashioned disapproval of much of contemporary life. Enjoys Sinatra, sunset dry martinis, outdoor parenting, and baseball, while dislikes soccer, basketball, rock, pop, denim, video games, Planned Parenthood, and public service announcements at airports. He's content to address what he calls "a self-selected audience of intellectually high-level readers," and if you don't know what he means by "Comstockery Pecksniffian," tant pee. The most frequent words he uses to describe American culture are "crude" and "childish," and he has innumerable ways of expressing his dislike for "the leveling winds of foolish egalitarianism today."

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