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G7 nations announce unified stance on Israel-Hamas war after intense meetings in Tokyo

TOKYO, Nov 8: G7 foreign ministers on Wednesday called for humanitarian pauses in the war between Israel and Hamas to allow in aid and the release of hostages and sought a return to a “broader peace process,” as Israeli forces continue to attack Gaza. Band.

Concluding a two-day meeting in Tokyo, the Group of Seven rich countries said in a joint statement that Israel had the right to defend itself, while underlining the need to protect civilians and comply with international humanitarian law.

"G7 members are committed to... preparing long-term sustainable solutions for Gaza and a return to a broader peace process in line with internationally agreed parameters," the statement said. "...We support humanitarian pauses and corridors to facilitate urgently needed assistance, civil movement and hostage release."

The ministers shared the view that “a two-state solution…remains the only path to a just, lasting and secure peace.”

It was only the second joint G7 statement since gunmen from the Palestinian militant group Hamas sparked the conflict with an Oct. 7 attack on southern Israel, killing 1,400 people and taking about 240 hostages.

Since then, the Israeli bombardment of Gaza has killed more than 10,000 Palestinians, about 40 percent of them children, according to counts by health officials in the Hamas-ruled territory.

"I think it is important that the G7 was able to issue its first unified message as a statement on a humanitarian pause... in terms of the responsibility that the G7 has towards the international community," the Japanese foreign minister told reporters. , Yoko Kamikawa.

Asked if all G7 members were calling for humanitarian pauses or if some were in favor of a full ceasefire, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the statement “very accurately reflects” what was discussed and that there was “real unity” among the bloc.

The statement also reiterated the G7's support for Ukraine in its war with Russia, highlighted the need for engagement with China and condemned North Korea's missile tests and arms transfers to Russia.

The G7 is made up of Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United States, with the European Union also participating in the summit.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said Israel would consider “small tactical pauses” but, along with close ally the United States and other Western countries, has rejected calls for a ceasefire that he claims would allow Hamas to regroup. .

The G7 appeared to struggle to agree on a firm and united approach to the war, raising questions about its relevance as a force to address major crises.

The only other G7 statement came after a meeting of its finance ministers on October 12 and consisted of a few short sentences. Other members of the group have issued joint statements.


At a working dinner on Tuesday, the ministers also discussed what will happen after the Gaza conflict recedes and how to revitalize Middle East peace efforts, Japan said in a statement.

Israel has been vague about its long-term plans for Gaza. In some of the first direct comments on the issue, Netanyahu said this week that Israel would seek to have responsibility for Gaza's security "for an indefinite period."

But Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen told the Wall Street Journal that Israel wanted the territory to be under an international coalition, including the United States, the European Union and Muslim-majority countries, or administered by political leaders. from Gaza.

Blinken told reporters after the G7 meetings that Gaza could not be under the control of Hamas or Israel.

“Now, the reality is that some transition period may be necessary at the end of the conflict... We don't see a reoccupation and what I have heard from Israeli leaders is that they have no intention of reoccupying Gaza. ," he said.

Diplomats in Washington, the United Nations, the Middle East and beyond have also begun weighing the options.

Discussions include the deployment of a multinational force in post-conflict Gaza, a Palestinian-led interim administration that would exclude Hamas politicians, an interim security and governance role for neighboring Arab states, and temporary oversight of the territory by of the UN, Reuters reported this month.

After Tokyo, Blinken will make his first visit to South Korea in more than two years, and talks will focus on strengthening the Washington-Seoul alliance amid growing concerns about North Korea's military ties with Russia.

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