Cancer survivors’ fundraising helps buy machine to slash treatment delays

Cancer survivors and friends Sylvia McHenry, left, and Miriam Healy,

A € 550,000 machine funded in part by two cancer survivors has cut waiting times from eight weeks for patients to just 24 hours.

The Cork University Hospital (CUH) Ion Torrent Genexus sequencer is the first of its kind in Ireland and can identify the DNA profiles of cancers, which are then used to determine the best type of treatment to fight the disease.

Almost 50,000 euros were raised during the Cork Pink Week 2019, organized by friends Miriam Healy and Sylvia McHenry, who have survived breast cancer.

Irish Cancer
Reiltin Werner, chief medical scientist in histopathology at the hospital, demonstrating how the new Ion Torrent Sequencer works, to Claire Concannon of the CUH charity (Colm Lougheed / PA)

"We wanted to raise awareness that breast cancer affects all ages and affects people under the age of 50," said Ms. Healy.

“We met with CUH Charity and consultants at the hospital to find out what they needed and what could really benefit patients.

"After our first event at City Hall, we were able to contribute to the purchase of two high-resolution reporting workshop stations for advanced interpretation of mammograms."

In 2019, the friends launched Cork Pink Week, hosting a business breakfast and 'pink lunch' at Collins Barracks, which raised funds for the new team.

“CUH has made us feel a part of the whole process on behalf of the people of Cork, who donate so generously to Cork Pink Week,” said Ms. McHenry.

“The Ion Torrent Sequencer is a tangible benefit to the people of the region. It also allows people who have recovered to be tested to investigate the likelihood that their cancer will recur. "

Next-generation technology uses sequencing to help speed cancer testing, allowing patients to start their therapies and clinical trials earlier.

Irish Cancer
Sylvia McHenry, left, and Miriam Healy raised almost a tenth of the € 550,000 needed (Colm Lougheed / PA)

The machine, the most expensive piece of equipment purchased by CUH Charity, is used to identify the DNA sequence of a cancer, allowing consultants to initiate a treatment plan based on the cancer profile.

Previously, this profiling had to be done in the UK and during the Covid pandemic it often took eight weeks to retrieve the results.

These results can now be delivered within 24 hours by CUH, providing immense potential to improve quality of life and patient outcomes.

Public support for CUH Charity's 18-month Pull Together campaign ensured that the remaining funds were raised.

The Karen Fenton Ovarian Cancer Fund raised € 80,000 in memory of Ms Fenton, who spent her final weeks at CUH before her death in 2017 at age 43.

Mick McCourt, his family and friends and McAfee co-workers raised more than € 64,000 in memory of his wife Aileen, who passed away in 2018.

CUH Professor Seamus O'Reilly described the Ion Torrent sequencer as an "amazing buy" and thanked everyone who supported it.

“This equipment will really make a big difference for patients. The spirit of such events has been incredibly uplifting and morale boosting for all of us who are privileged to help cancer patients, ”he said.

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