Catalan High Court to try former Speaker for disobedience

BarcelonaThe Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia will judge the former president and current Minister of Business and Employment Roger Torrent, along with the rest of the pro-independence members of the previous Parliamentary Table, for having allowed the processing of resolutions on the monarchy and self-determination in autumn 2019. In a resolution issued this Wednesday, the investigating judge Maria Eugรจnia Alegret considers that Torrent, Josep Costa, Eusebi Campdepadrรณs and Ariadna Delgado could have committed a crime of serious disobedience and gives them a period of ten days to present their defense briefs .

The order of the National Court includes evidence provided by the Prosecutor's Office and Vox against the four defendants, whose appeals were annulled by the judge last week. The Public Ministry requests a 20-month suspension and a 30,000-euro fine for Torrent, Costa and Campdepadrรณs, and a 16-month suspension and a 24,000-euro fine for Delgado, mayor of Sant Vicenรง de Castellet (Bages). โ€œAs always, we found out about this news through the media. More evidence of a judicial system more concerned with pursuing freedoms than guaranteeing them," Torrent lamented in a message on Twitter.

The accusations consider that independentist members of the Table disobeyed the Constitutional Court when they allowed the debate and vote on two resolutions. The first contained a commitment to the exercise of the right to self-determination, while the second was a response proposal to the Supreme Court ruling on the 2017 Independence Referendum and reiterated the King's disapproval. At that time, Torrent was president of the Catalan Parliament, while Costa, Campdepadrรณs and Delgado were members of the Bureau.

In the order that ends the investigation phase, Alegret argued that Parliament "is not a place immune to compliance with the law and the principles of normative hierarchy." He admitted that the table does not have to verify the unconstitutionality of all parliamentary initiatives, but it can do so with those that are manifestly unconstitutional, and even more so if the Constitutional Court orders it. The magistrate considered, however, that the four former members of the table cannot avail themselves of their parliamentary inviolability, which is more linked to freedom of expression than to the decision to allow the processing of two initiatives that were under reprimand from the TC.

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