ChatGPT plugin goes live for Hedera network

A convergence of blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI)) has occurred between ChatGPT and Hedera (HBAR), the native cryptocurrency of the Hedera network. By capitalizing on decentralization characteristics of blockchain networksChatGPT can establish secure interactions with the Hedera network, accessing its tools such as the Hedera Consensus Service, the Hedera Token Service and the Smart Contract Service.

On Twitter, developer Ed Mรกrquez provided instructions on how to create the plugin, focusing on Hedera account token balances. According to Mรกrquez, users can view account balances via a web browser or retrieve them programmatically via the mirror node's Rest API, which will be used by the plugin. HBAR information is returned in tiny bars (tโ„), where 100,000,000 tโ„ represents one โ„.

Accounts on Hedera are stored in the ledger which contains tokens, including HBARs, fungible tokens, and non-fungible tokens created on Hedera.

Using a plugin, ChatGPT's integration with the Hedera network allows to retrieve token and HBAR balances from Hedera accounts. This integration streamlines the interaction between ChatGPT and the blockchain, simplifying control and asset management for users.

Once the plugin is developed and the API is operational, users can install it in the ChatGPT UI. Users can then interact with ChatGPT to inquire about HBAR and token balances associated with Hedera accounts. The plugin will request the Hedera mirror node Rest API to retrieve the necessary information.

Related: 100,000 ChatGPT logins have been leaked on the dark web, warns a cybersecurity company

Blockchain technology guarantees the verifiability and integrity of AI-generated content. Users can participate in microtransactions, access premium content, and participate in tokenized economies without worrying about high fees or delays.

It also opens the door to the development of decentralized applications. These apps can take advantage of the strengths of both technologies, creating decentralized marketplaces, collaborative platforms, and rewarding user contributions.

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