Chicago Judge Disbarred After Admitting to Stealing $240k From Uncle, a Tuskegee Airman, to Buy Cryptocurrency

A former Chicago judge was stripped of her license to practice law after admitting to stealing $240,000 for her elderly uncle, believed to be the last Tuskegee airman living in Chicago.

Patricia Martin was disbarred by the Illinois Supreme Court on Thursday after she admitted misconduct in handling her uncle's finances in June.

"She intentionally used for her own purposes more than $240,000 she had agreed to hold for an elderly relative residing in a nursing home, made false statements to the doctor who had power of attorney for her relative over the balances in her bank and investment accounts. and failed to file documents in response to an ARDC subpoena," the Illinois Supreme Court Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission said, according to WBBM.

After spending decades as a judge in the Cook County juvenile court system, Martin retired in 2020. It was around that same time that he allegedly began receiving money from his uncle, Oscar Wilkerson.

Wilkerson, who died in February, sued the judge last winter, alleging that she stole thousands of dollars from him that he then converted into cryptocurrency and used for her own benefit, WBBM reported.

After learning of Martin's actions, some of Wilkerson's friends expressed outrage at the situation.

"If you can't trust a judge, who can you trust?" Wilkerson's friend Ken Rapier told WBBM. "It really bothers me when someone takes advantage of the Tuskegee Airmen."

In June, a judge ruled that Martin needed to pay $1.1 million to Wilkerson's estate after she repeatedly failed to appear and comply with court orders.

While Martin said "the evidence would clearly and convincingly establish the facts and conclusions of misconduct," in a sworn statement, she argued that she does not need to return the estate.

The judge's attorney said her uncle's death means there is no longer a plaintiff in the lawsuit that "suspends[s] the jurisdiction of the court," WBBM reported.

Martin's handling of the money remains under investigation by the Illinois Attorney General and he could possibly face criminal charges.

The Tuskegee Airmen were a group of black airmen who fought in World War II. They were the first black airmen in the US military, while the military was still segregated.

Oscar Wilkerson maintained his enthusiasm for flying and worked with young people until his death at the age of 96.

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