Clain Integrates ChatGPT4 API into Probe, Revolutionizing Cryptocurrency Investigation

SAN FRANCISCO, May 30, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Clain, a leading provider of blockchain analytics and cryptocurrency research software, today announced the integration of OpenAI's ChatGPT4 API into its flagship product, Probe. This innovative move makes Clain the first and only company in the world to offer automatic reporting functionality for cryptocurrency research

Probe, recognized for its ability to investigate, visualize and analyze cryptocurrency transactions, now it has been enhanced with the power of ChatGPT4. This integration allows researchers to automatically generate comprehensive reports based on the charts they are working on, saving them valuable time and resources.

Early law enforcement testers have reported that the new feature has saved them up to 8 hours of manual labor per week. This significant reduction in workload allows investigators to focus more on strategic tasks, increasing their overall efficiency and effectiveness.

"By integrating ChatGPT4 into Probe, we are taking a big step forward in our mission to make cryptocurrency more efficient and effective investigations," said Clain's head of sales, Paul Aherne. "This new feature not only saves investigators significant time, but also ensures that the reports generated are complete and accurate."

Probe's key features include the ability to separate transactions with an advanced transaction filter engine, automate cross-chain tracking, work with multiple users in real time, manage cases, fully understand the source and destination of funds.

In addition to these features, Clain has always prioritized privacy and security in its operations. Data sent to OpenAI for reporting is encrypted, ensuring that sensitive information such as transaction hashes or addresses or names of real-world entities are not exposed. This robust data protection measure allows law enforcement agencies to use this tool securely in their ongoing investigations, with the confidence of knowing that your data is secure. Clain's unwavering commitment to preserving privacy sets it apart in the crypto research landscape.

With the integration of ChatGPT4, Clain continues to lead the way in innovation, further empowering its users in the fight against money laundering, terrorist financing, cybercrime, ransomware and fraud, and setting new standards for the industry.

About Clain

Clain is a leading provider of blockchain analytics and cryptocurrency investigation program Its flagship product, Probe, is designed to assist in anti-money laundering (AML) and anti-terrorist financing (CTF) efforts, as well as investigations related to cybercrime, ransomware, and fraud. Clain is committed to providing innovative solutions that improve efficiency and effectiveness in the fight against illicit activities involving cryptocurrencies.

Press contact:
Paul Aherne
Sales Manager, Clan
[emailย protected]


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