โ€˜Climate crisis is happening, miss this chance & history will never forgive usโ€™

Future generations will never forgive the world leaders gathered in Glasgow for the UN Cop 26 conference if it fails: this generation will be forever doomed by history.

The planet will slowly die if we do nothing

Torrential rains, sewage flooding houses and cars washed away ... the climate change crisis is happening here and it is happening right now.

From London to Scotland to Cumbria and many other places in between, the environmental emergency that is destroying our planet is shocking wherever people live.

No one is protected with a free pass anymore.

Future generations will never forgive the world leaders gathered in Glasgow for the UN Cop 26 conference if they fail to seize this golden opportunity to prevent potentially millions more deaths each year.

The threats are many and terrifying: rising sea levels, melting ice, floods, droughts, hurricanes and hells - a cataclysm of excruciatingly high and low temperatures.

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The omens are not promising. Xi Jinping of China and Vladimir Putin of Russia are not only staying away, but are refusing to commit to the 2050 goal of decarbonizing their countries' economies and reducing harmful emissions to zero.

Instead, they both set 2060 as a delayed goal.

However, we must never give up hope in the pursuit of a breakthrough.

With so much at stake, the dire cost of failure is ruinously unaffordable

The ignorant and cowardly people who pretend we can't afford to go green are defying reality.

The truly dire consequences of continuing to contaminate our only home are here for all to see. We have no other planet to inhabit.

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Destroying this, destroying the environment, destroying species, destroying nations and poisoning the air is a kamikaze recklessness that will end in tears, poverty and death.

Turn down this opportunity and the next one, when it comes, it may be too late. Scientists everywhere acknowledge that all hell will break loose if the planet reaches or exceeds a 1.5 ยฐ C rise above pre-industrial levels.

Here at the Daily Mirror, we are committed to factual reporting and speaking the truth to the power of vested interests who for decades have falsely and damagingly denied that climate change was man-made.

We also don't have time for greenwashers, nominating converts to the cause who lack the will and courage to make tough decisions.

What is needed now to save the world is a great imagination and a great vision.

Confidence is not inspired by a Boris Johnson who built his career on awkward showmanship rather than diplomatic prowess.

Or by Alok Sharma, a mediocre former business secretary who set a bad example by regularly enjoying the flights after his appointment as president of the Cop 26 conference.

But we are looking forward to a successful conference for our sake.

If it fails, history will doom us.

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