Conservative voting group warns flood of litigation biggest threat to 2024 elections

TO conservative The voter integrity group warned that a flood of litigation by left-wing organizations has the potential to profoundly affect the Elections 2024.

At a press conference on Wednesday, the Honest Elections Project discussed its report, published Friday, which outlines safeguards to ensure voting integrity. When he asked it Washington Examiner What he believed was the biggest threat to the integrity of the 2024 election, CEO Jason Snead said the biggest fear is a disruptive influx of left-wing litigation.

"I think one of the biggest threats we face between now and November will simply be a torrent of left-wing litigation," he said.

He pointed out Marc Elรญas, a democrat super lawyeras the main culprit.

"You have access to an essentially bottomless well of resources," Snead said. โ€œIf you want to file a lawsuit, you can, and you do it the same way I file press releases. It just released a report a few days ago: It's already tracking 70 voting cases, about 70 voting cases, across the country. These are all related to the voting process. And in the report he said he hopes there will be more. Now, more than 50 of those 70 cases have been brought by the left, and when the left's top lawyer, who has unlimited funds, says there will be more cases, I think we should all take him at his word.

โ€œWe saw the chaos, we saw the confusion, we saw the rule changes that Elias and his operation were able to impose on states through the 2020 litigation process,โ€ he continued. "And they're already starting it again this year."

Snead said the goal of such efforts was to โ€œweaponize the electoral systemโ€ from all angles.

โ€œLitigation is the way they are weaponizing it from the outside, trying to rewrite rules and force changes, but then they are also working from the inside through our election administrators,โ€ he said. โ€œSo this constant attempt to change the rules by any means necessary is a real danger for us. If we think about what will happen between now and when people start voting in the November 2024 election cycle.โ€


Elias has been a thorn in the side of Republicans for years and reached his zenith during the Trump presidency. The lawyer was a key figure in entrepreneur the discredited Steele Dossier, which attempts to link Trump to Russia. As Snead stated, he played a major role in legal efforts to change election laws during the 2020 presidential election.

He was booted from President Joe Biden's team last year amid disagreements.

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