Crypto becomes second most widely-owned asset class for women: eToro survey

While traditional asset classes are failing to foster broader adoption among women, cryptocurrencies appear to have been successful in attracting women, according to a recent survey.

Data sent to Cointelegraph by the eToro team highlighted that cryptocurrencies are now the second most-owned asset class by women, second only to cash. This comes from eToro's latest Retail Investor Beat, which surveyed around 10,000 global retail investors in 13 countries.

According to the survey results, there is a significant increase in cryptocurrency ownership among women. The data shows that ownership increased from 29% in the third quarter of 2022 to 34% in the last quarter. According to the eToro team, this suggests that cryptocurrencies are "succeeding where traditional financial markets have sometimes failed," which is by attracting more women.

Retail investors holding cryptocurrencies in 2022. Source: eToro

While cryptocurrency adoption among women took off in the last quarter of 2022, ownership among men only increased by one percent in the same time period.

Meanwhile, despite crypto being considered the worst-performing asset class last year, the total number of global investors holding crypto rose from 36% to 39% on a quarterly basis.

In addition to being driven by women joining, the data was also influenced by older investors buying the dip. Retail investors 35-44 and 45-54 holding crypto were up 5% each, suggesting that older investors are hoarding crypto as well.

As for why more investors are getting involved with cryptocurrency, 37% of survey participants said they are seizing the opportunity for high returns, while 34% said they believe in the power of blockchain. and thinks of cryptocurrencies as a transformative asset class.

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In addition to retail investors expressing their belief in blockchain technology when investing, companies are starting to follow suit as well. On January 12, Casper Labs found that among the 603 companies that participated in a survey, 90% have already Blockchain deployed in some capacity.