Crypto market loses $486M in July, most since 2022: Report

The cryptocurrency market is having its worst month of 2023, according to a report from Web3 outlet De.Fi shared with Cointelegraph.

Losses for July totaled $486 million, more than six times the total from 2022:

Cryptocurrency losses comparing July 2022 and July 2023. Source: De.Fi

The report comes on the heels of several high-profile hacks and exploits in the month of July and a flurry of legislative activity surrounding the nature of cryptocurrency and digital assets.

With a current reported recovery total of only $6.15 million, nearly 99% of all cryptocurrency and digital assets stolen in the month of July remain unrecovered.

According to a document shared with Cointelegraph, the researchers at De.Fi believe not enough is being done to recover lost funds quickly:

โ€œRegrettably, the recovery efforts in July 2023 were woefully inadequate, with only $6,796,915 recouped from the vast $486.35 million lost.โ€

The researchers went on to describe the cryptocurrency sectorโ€™s ability to recover stolen or lost funds as โ€œa pivotal element in alleviating the impact of these unfortunate incidents.โ€

Per the report, the vast majority of losses occurred on the Ethereum network, with $447 million lost across 36 cases โ€” including the Multichain hack, which involved $231 million, and the Alphapo exploit, which cost around $100 million.

Losses by chain in July 2023. Source: De.Fi

The next-closest network was Base, which saw $23 million lost in a single case. Binance took third with a reported loss of nearly $11 million over 18 cases.

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โ€œAccess control issuesโ€ accounted for the majority of the funds lost in July with $364 million.ย Rugpulls, with over 38 reported cases, resulted in losses in the amount of about $36 million, and reentrancy attacks led to about $78 million in losses.

The De.Fi teamโ€™s report did contain one bright note, however: There were no reports of exit scams for the month of July.