Cryptocurrency Language: “Crypto Winter” Is Wrong And Misleads

The language of cryptocurrencies can be distorted to soften the meaning of the truth and can then lead to unhappy results.

Words used to describe an investment or a group of investments must be precise or at least bordering on precise. The used-car salesman's approach of talking about the beaten-up Chevy as a fine example of exceptional road wear is a problem for the potential buyer: ultimately misleading.

The use of the phrase "crypto winter" is an unfortunate example of using what seems like reasonable language to help a buyer miss reality. Winter lasts 3 months, sometimes a little longer, sometimes a little shorter. It is a season that comes and goes. It doesn't last 13 months, at least not on this planet.

“Crypto Winter” gives the impression that next season, “Crypto Spring” is just around the corner and “Crypto Summer” will surely follow. The used car salesman approach applies to the world of investing and here we are with trust issues now plaguing the world of cryptocurrency (SBF etc.).

Take a look at bitcoin weekly price chart ($BTC USD):

Studying the chart, it is obvious that the price peaked in November 2021 just above $67,500 and the current price in mid-December 2022 is $17,166. Bitcoin
it's been winding down for 13 months with only a few minor ups and downs along the way. Thus, we have outgrown anything that could be described in seasonal terms, such as "winter."

A better way to describe this type of action might be "bearish" or perhaps "long-term continued sell-off." Using a term for this noticeable drop that usually describes a season that is only 3 months long is inaccurate, misleading, and quite funny unless you are a buyer above 67,000.

That is how the ethereal

weekly chart

This is another one that meets the “crypto winter” description often attached to it by those who would like new investors to jump on board. The drop from the November high of 4750 is now 13 months, a long time to use a seasonal term to describe it.

Take a look at the 50-week falling moving average – it is heading for a cross of the 200-week moving average unless the price stops moving lower and lower.

Here it is the XRP weekly chart

also known as "Wave

The high came in April 2021, just above $1.90, and the cryptocurrency is now trading at $0.39. That's a 79% drop in value from peak to present. From April 2021 to December 2022 is 20 months, so this has gone well beyond the 3 seasonal "winter" months.

On this chart, Ripple's 50-week moving average is close to crossing the 200-week moving average, which looks like a downtrend is about to start.

Many price charts of other cryptocurrencies display similar characteristics to the price charts of notable publicly traded "cryptocurrency exchanges." Those who want to continue to refer to this type of action as "crypto winter" can, of course, but it's starting to sound ridiculous.

It is not investment advice. For educational purposes only.

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