Cryptocurrency Scammers Swipe $91k in Fake Tokens โ€“ Warning for Investors | Cryptopolitan

Cryptocurrency investors are warned to remain vigilant as scammers continue to exploit the decentralized nature of digital assets with fake tokens. Recent incidents have revealed how scammers manipulated various tokens, leaving victims with substantial losses. In this report, we will detail three different scams involving fake tokens and rug pulling, shedding light on the need for caution within the crypto space.

The Sleepless AI Token Scam

In a stark reminder of the risks associated with cryptocurrencies, scammers managed to steal $91,000 in Ethereum (ETH) orchestrating a pull the rug of the fake Sleepless AI token. This incident occurred just before the launch of Sleepless AI's authentic agricultural campaign in the binance Launch group.

The Fake FomoFi Token Incident

A parallel rug-pulling scheme was developed using the fake FomoFi token, demonstrating how scammers can manipulate the market to their advantage. The scammer exchanged over 5.3 billion FOMO tokens for 189,600 BSC-USD, causing the token's value to drop to zero.

NebulaNode token devaluation

In yet another case, the NebulaNode token suffered a severe devaluation after a substantial amount of NNNN tokens were exchanged for 1033.8 BNB, equivalent to approximately $335,900. This incident highlights the need for greater security measures within the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Origins of Sleepless AI Farming

Sleepless's true AI farming project would launch on December 28, joining the ranks of binance Launch projects. The initiative offers a web3 gaming platform that incorporates artificial intelligence (AI). Users have the opportunity to stake BNB, FDUSD, and TUSD in designated pools during a seven-day campaign.

Previous security incidents

The security of cryptocurrencies has been a recurring concern. Prior to these latest fake token scams, security experts at Certik had reported a withdrawal of fake Linea tokens in October, resulting in a staggering loss of approximately $743,000. Suspicions have been raised that a user named 'AltLex' may have promoted the fake token on social media, possibly having connections to Russia.

These incidents serve as a stark reminder for cryptocurrency investors to exercise extreme caution. Given the decentralized and relatively unregulated nature of the cryptocurrency market, fraudulent activities can occur without proper oversight. Investors should conduct thorough research before making any token offer or investment.

Protecting your investments from fake tokens

To safeguard their investments, cryptocurrency investors should consider the following precautions:

1. Due diligence: Do extensive research on tokens and projects before investing.

2. Verified information: Trust reliable sources and independently verify information.

3. Secure Wallets: Use secure wallets to store digital assets and enable two-factor authentication (2FA) where possible.

4. Be careful with promotions: Be careful with social media promotions and conduct thorough background checks on influencers and projects.

Recent scams involving fake tokens and rug pulling highlight the importance of vigilance and due diligence in the cryptocurrency space. Scammers continue to exploit the decentralized nature of the market, leaving investors vulnerable to substantial losses. By staying informed and adopting safety measures, investors can reduce the risks associated with cryptocurrency investments.

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