
Don’t mention ‘K’ country: Bitcoin Magazine’s YouTube restored after ban

Bitcoin Magazine's YouTube channel was restored around three hours after it was shut down, and the post attributed the brief ban to the YouTube algorithm that marked the word "Kazakhstan."

In a Twitter post on January 12, Bitcoin Magazine noted that its YouTube account with 56,600 followers was banned in the middle of a live broadcast without notice from the platform.

"Our @YouTube with 60,000 followers just got BANNED mid-stream without notice. REMOVED. When will the assault on #Bitcoin content end?"

The livestream focused on topics related to Elon Musk, Jack Dorsey, Bitcoin (BTC) mining, and the recent internet blackout in Kazakhstan which was reportedly started by the government in response to massive protests over rising fuel prices in the nation.

Bitcoin Magazine stated that it was not entirely sure what reasons YouTube had used to ban its channel, but it did. confirm that his account had been restored an hour after filing an appeal, suggesting that YouTube had realized his mistake.

In a live broadcast after the reset, host Alex Mcshane noted that the panel was discussing the internet blackout. effect on BTC mining hash rate not saying anything controversial, but I was using a set of "politically and algorithmically loaded words" that may have triggered the automatic shutdown:

"I want to talk about what happened, without triggering it again [...]We were talking about a certain politically charged country that begins with a 'K' ”.

Bitcoin magazine also shared a post earlier today noting YouTube's initial response to the ban, with the Google-owned platform claiming that "content that encourages illegal activities or incites users to violate the rules is not allowed. YouTube guidelines ".

"We may allow representations of such activities if they are educational or documentary in nature and do not help others to imitate them," added the response.

Despite its content policy, current YouTube searches still return results showing multiple live streams using the identity and video content of popular figures like MicroStrategy's Michael Saylor to promote dubious websites and alleged "crypto giveaways." ".

Either Michael Saylor does a lot of live broadcasts or some videos are dubious: YouTube

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Commenting on the prohibition on the r / CryptoCurrency subreddit, user u / Setl1less highlighted the hypocrisy, arguing that "YouTube has gotten used to removing featured news accounts" while allowing scams to trade freely.