Energy Facts: Impact of the Investing in America Agenda on Wisconsin

US Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm visits Wisconsin

  • On Friday, January 19, 2024, Secretary Granholm and Acting Secretary of Labor Julie Su will travel to Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, to highlight the Biden-Harris Administration's latest efforts to establish a robust American-made electric vehicle charging network in all the country.
  • During the visit, Secretaries Granholm and Su will highlight the unprecedented progress the nation has seen in electric vehicle sales and progress in charging and will underscore how President Biden's Investing in America agenda is creating new economic opportunities and driving a resurgence of manufacturing in Wisconsin and across the country.

Strengthening Wisconsin's Economy

energy jobs

  • In 2022, there were already 142,426 Wisconsin workers employees in the energy sector.
  • Throughout the state, 55% of the electric power generation workforce was in wind and solar energy, and more than 55,700 workers were employed in energy efficiency.
  • The Inflation Reduction Law will expand these opportunities, providing an estimated $4 billion investment in large-scale clean energy generation and storage in Wisconsin by 2030.

Small companies

  • Wisconsin is home to 457,700 Small businesses, which represent 99.4% of all businesses in the state and employ 48.7% of all Wisconsin workers, and the Inflation Reduction Act will help them save money. Commercial building owners can receive a tax credit of up to $5 per square foot to support energy efficiency improvements that result in lower utility bills. Other programs that will benefit small businesses include tax credits that cover 30% of the costs of installing low-cost solar energy and purchasing clean trucks and vans for commercial fleets.

Investment in clean energy

  • Wisconsin has an ambitious statewide goal of achieving 100% carbon-free electricity by 2050. Currently, the state has more than 1.6 GW of solar, wind and storage capacity now online. Other 1.7 GW Additional planned capacity is scheduled to come online over the next three years, more than doubling the amount of renewable energy available on Wisconsin's grid.
  • Inflation Reduction Act tax credits that encourage investment in wind and solar energy will help reduce energy costs as the costs of solar and wind energy are expected to decline. 33% and 25%, respectively, for the next 30 years in Wisconsin.

Clean transportation

  • Wisconsin already has more than 800 alternative fueling stations, 150 of them in the Madison area and 143 in the Milwaukee area.
  • Wisconsin will also receive nearly $17 million in federal funding to help build more electric vehicle charging stations.
  • Drivers who switch to an electric van could save more $1700 per year in fuel and maintenance costs compared to a gasoline-powered truck. Drivers of smaller cars could save more $1200 per year. The Inflation Reduction Act will also make it easier and cheaper to buy an electric vehicle, with initial discounts for eligible buyers of up to $7,500 for new electric vehicles and up to $4,000 for used electric vehicles, helping Americans avoid the gas pump and save on fuel costs.

Invest in Wisconsin

  • Thanks to funding from President Biden's Investing in America Agenda, the U.S. Department of Energy has made more than $237 million available to Wisconsin state and local governments last year to invest in energy efficiency and resilience. network. This includes funding to help low-income households access more efficient appliances and more than $10 million to help strengthen grid resilience.
  • Slipstream, Inc, in Madison, Wisconsin, received $4 million from the DOE to provide technical assistance to cities and towns across the state interested in adopting updated building codes.

Saving Wisconsinites Money on Home Energy Bills

  • DOE's Weatherization Assistance Program and State Energy Program have invested more than $85 million in Wisconsin since 2015, creating 671 jobs and more than 7,000 homes with reduced energy costs and improved health and safety.
  • Upgrading appliances and improving home energy efficiency could save a total of 3,300 GWh of energy in Wisconsin, enough to power 123,000 homes.
  • Wisconsin will receive $149 million implement a home energy rebate program in the state. Low-income households in Wisconsin could save an average of 31% on their home energy bills when they upgrade their appliances and improve energy efficiency through this program.
  • IRA also includes grants to help state and local governments adopt the latest building energy codes, which would save the average new homeowner in Wisconsin. 21.6% on your utility bills. That's $651 a year.

Prioritize Wisconsin's Rural and Underserved Communities

  • Wisconsin has five community networks that are part of the Rural partner network, which covers 12 counties across the state. With support from USDA, DOE, and other federal agencies, the team focuses on projects prioritized by local communities that unlock the region's full potential.
  • The Biden Administration is committed to advancing equity for all communities, including through the Justice Initiative40, which aims to ensure that federal agencies provide at least 40% of overall climate, clean energy, housing affordable and sustainable, drinking water and other investments. to disadvantaged communities. The DOE has more than 140 programs covered by this initiative.
  • Legacy Solar Cooperative in Madison was selected in the first round of the Community Power Accelerator Award, which seeks to expand access to community solar energy. Now they are competing for a share of a larger prize that will fund further progress toward their goals of improved access, increased household savings, resilience and network benefits, community ownership, and equitable workforce development.
  • In Milwaukee, communities across the city are coming together to help increase access to the comfort and savings that can be achieved by properly weatherizing their homes. The project, funded by the Weatherization Assistance Program Innovation and Improvement Program, will target homes with the highest energy burden.
  • The DOE is also working with Wisconsin and a group of other states to explore how distributed solar resources can reduce grid disruptions for vulnerable communities.

To learn about current DOE funding opportunities, visit:

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