Ethereum donations top Save the Children HODL Hope Campaign

An ongoing cryptocurrency donation campaign dedicated to improving the lives of children around the world has received over $7.6 million to date, half of which was donated in Ether (ETH).

Save the Children's HODL Hope Philanthropic Foundation Bell remains almost $2.4 million short of the $10 million it aims to raise by the end of 2023. ETH represented 50%, or $3.83 million, of the $7.6 million raised in donations cryptocurrencies at the time of writing this article.

Total crypto (in US dollars) for Save the Children's HODL Hope campaign. Source:

Bitcoin (btc) donations made up 34% of the total cryptocurrency, valued at just over $2.6 million. USD currency (USDC), a US dollar-backed stablecoin issued by Circle, was the third preferred way for the crypto community to help children in need. USDC accounted for 7%, or nearly $520,000, of the donations.

Top cryptocurrencies donated to Save the Children's HODL Hope campaign. Source:

The US dollar was used in 2% of donations, followed by major altcoins including Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Tezos (XTZ), ThunderCore, Tether (USDT), Litecoin (LTC) and sunny (SUN).

The Own The Doge (DOG) and PleasrDAO communities currently dominate the donor leaderboard after contributing 291.16 ETH, or over $1 million, to the cause. However, donors can remain anonymous and not appear on the leaderboard.

Top donors to Save the Children's HODL Hope campaign. Source:

As shown above, anonymous donors accounted for $3.9 million of the campaign's total donations.

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The ease of cross-border movement of funds allows for greater participation in donation events for global causes. Recently, the humanitarian aid and community services charity, the Singapore Red Cross, started accepting crypto donations.

In partnership with Triple-A, Singapore Red Cross began accepting BTC, ETH, USDT, and USDC. "By accepting digital currencies, we open our doors to a new segment of donors who are tech-savvy and want to make a difference through their digital assets," said Benjamin William, secretary-general and chief executive officer of the Singapore Red Cross.

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