EU enables coordinated export controls by compiling national lists

The new "autonomous" controls at EU level were made possible by the publication of a first compilation of the national export control lists of EU Member States on 20 October 2023. This list means that Member States They can now impose authorization requirements on exports of covered items. in the control lists of other Member States, provided that they are included in the Commission's own compilation.

This first list includes Dutch controls on semiconductor manufacturing machines, as well as Spanish controls on quantum computing, additive manufacturing and other emerging technologies. The publication opens the door for other Member States to coordinate their actions on export controls at a time of heightened awareness of essential security concerns.

The compilation will be updated each time Member States notify the Commission of new or modified national export control measures.


Before the entry into force of the EU Dual Use Regulation in 2021, EU export controls were based exclusively on multilateral controls decided internationally in Multilateral Export Control Regimes (MERCs): voluntary and non-binding agreements between countries designed to regulate the transfer of certain military and dual-use technology and prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, such as the Nuclear Suppliers Group or the Wassenaar Arrangement.

Under the EU Dual Use Regulation, Member States have the opportunity to coordinate their export controls on items for which export controls have not been multilaterally agreed. The recent EU Economic Security Strategy calls for full implementation of the regulation as part of a comprehensive approach to protecting the Union's economic security.

For more information

Compilation of national checklists.

Dual use regulation and summary

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