EU town bans sex on the beach

Locals have demanded that visitors to a nude beach keep their hands to themselves

A coastal town in the southern Netherlands has launched a campaign aimed at preventing visitors to its beaches from engaging in public sexual activity, following a torrent of complaints from outraged locals.

The 'Oranjezon Project', or 'Orange Sun', follows numerous objections to council authorities in Veere over "sex acts performed by nude recreationists", prompting the municipality to erect signs warning flirtatious visitors that public sex is prohibited.

Authorities are also warning anyone hoping for a few moments of privacy that there is "greater follow-up" in place to ensure that "activities of sexual meeting places" not happen

"The dunes are very important to the local community and must be protected," Veere mayor Frederiek Schouwenaar told The Observer last week. "This is an important step to ensure public order and security."

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Among the complaints was that "certain groups" they had been using the sand dunes as a gathering place to engage in their illicit activities in public, leaving locals hoping that future visits to the coast might not be as X-rated.

"He was always a bit threatening," Els den Dulk, 74, told The Observer last week. "This has been going on for 20 years with some nasty guys."

Marco Wiechert, operator of the Aloha Beach restaurant, said he had been aware of more than a few unusual sightings near his establishment. "Some people would rather do it outside than in a bedroom," he told the newspaper. "And others might come to do it because it's been banned."

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