
From walls to wallets: Barcelona graffiti artists share their love for Bitcoin

From skate parks and construction sites to train stations and bus stops, a pair of Bitcoin-loving graffiti artists from Barcelona, ​​Spain, have been working tirelessly to spread the good word about Bitcoin.

Street Cy₿er, a collective of artists and enthusiasts, has been creating Bitcoin (btc) street art across Europe since its formation in January 2023 to raise awareness about cryptocurrency.

One of the co-founders of Street Cy₿er, “Street,” told Cointelegraph that the team consists of more than 100 educators, enthusiasts, artists, musicians, activists, and journalists. Their efforts can be seen in Barcelona, ​​London, Berlin, Madrid, Prague, Riga (Latvia) and Tallinn (Estonia).

Bitcoin graffiti on the CY₿ER Street website. Source: CY₿ER Street.

Much of their artwork, which they share on social media, aims to offer powerful statements about the supposed failures of the traditional financial system and where Bitcoin can intervene. Other works of art simply seek to raise awareness about cryptocurrencies. Street told Cointelegraph:

"Street art is also a way to bypass traditional media, which is often controlled by powerful interests."

He said Street Cy₿er's motivation behind Bitcoin street art is plain and simple: to push for a more just world.

“The symbiosis between street art and Bitcoin is powerful. By working together, these two movements help create a more just and equitable world.”

The Street Cy₿er website's gallery currently displays more than 70 images of his artwork, all of which feature the Bitcoin logo or mention his name.

"Buy Bitcoin, defund the state"

Bitcoin Graffiti by Street Cy₿er. Source: Cy₿er Street

Speaking about specific pieces of his work, Street said the premise behind "Buy Bitcoin Defund The State" was to get people thinking about how Bitcoin can help create a freer society by reducing the role of the state in people's lives. people.

“Bitcoin is a peaceful way to protest against the State and its policies. It is a way to get out of the traditional financial system [and] escape from the tyranny of the state.”

Street said Bitcoin is being used to build a "new society" that flourishes from individual freedom and voluntary cooperation, a philosophy pushed by many cryptocurrency anarchists around the world.

“Make war unaffordable”

“Make war unaffordable” poster. Source: Cy₿er Street

Street says Bitcoin scarcity will make it harder for governments to wage wars because they can't print more BTC to finance them.

"This will make it harder for governments to maintain large armies and make war less affordable," he said.

If wars were hypothetically funded with Bitcoin, the cryptocurrency's transparency would make it harder for state actors to hide war spending, Street believes, and such attacks would be more likely to be picked up by opposing states.

Graffiti artist at work. Source: Cy₿er Street

Additionally, Street said the “Bitcoin makes war unaffordable” message relates to promoting peace and freedom around the world.

“Print books, not money”

Poster “Print books, not money” at a bus interchange in Barcelona. Source: Cy₿er Street

Street believes that if states used Bitcoin to fund education instead of printing money, free education around the world could become a possibility.

Due to Bitcoin's scarcity, governments would think twice before allocating it, Street said:

“Bitcoin is a scarce resource, so governments would have to be careful how they spend it. “This would make governments more accountable to their citizens and help ensure that education is a top priority.”

Not all of Street Cy₿er's Bitcoin street art is politically motivated: the team also appeals to cartoon lovers by displaying the Bitcoin symbol with characters like Mario and Ronald McDonald.

Bitcoin Graffiti by Street Cy₿er. Source: Cy₿er Street

The Street Cy₿er team recently created a project "Bitcoin: The Art of Revolution" based in Barcelona, ​​Spain, which will host several exhibitions, workshops and classes for those who want to learn more about Bitcoin.

Bitcoin logo around the world

Bitcoin proponents have also been using other innovative ways to spread the cryptocurrency.

In March, a Bitcoin logo was displayed with the legend “Study Bitcoin.” projected on the European Central Bank in Frankfurt, Germany and in the central banks of other countries such as the Czech Republic and Switzerland.

The projection came at a time when the global banking sector was under the spotlight following the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank in the U.S.

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Another Bitcoin logo flashed Berlin Television Tower Tower, The tallest building in Germany, a few months earlier, in January. The German Bitcoiner behind the idea said that he wanted to draw attention to the cryptocurrency.

A spartan with eyes bearing the Bitcoin logo, with the legend "HODL (Hold On for Dear Life)", was seen by pedestrians in Hong Kong in 2020.

The art even received admiration from Tyler Winklevoss, CEO of cryptocurrency exchange Gemini.

Some advocates have opted for simpler means to raise awareness. “Stuff4btc” has been spreading the message by placing stickers on chairs, tables and light poles in the public.

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