Gaming and Web3 outlook, what’s available on the market? Report

The place where gaming and finance meet on Web3 has been called GameFi, and has been growing by leaps and bounds in recent years. there is even various data analytics resources to try and find out what are the best blockchain and Web3 games currently available. Cointelegraph Research dove into this topic head-on and developed a Top 20 Games report.

The report goes over some of the differences between Web2 and Web3 games and part of the evolution in GameFi. Talking about playing to win and playing to own, as well as providing some "inside perspectives" from C-suite executives in the industry, this report gives an overview of GameFi's current state and potentially where it's moving next. .

Download this report on the Cointelegraph Research Terminal.

In addition to an overview of 20 games, there is also a section on some of the most anticipated games coming soon. This report is equally suitable for a casual crypto investor who wants to keep up with the different trends in the industry to anyone looking to find out what Web3 game they will try next.

GameFi combines blockchain, protocols, developers, investors and users

Web3 games go far beyond a studio creating an engaging story along with some attractive graphics. Unlike Web2 or "traditional game", which uses a game engine such as Unreal Engine, for example, the incorporation of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) it makes owning a piece of the game and giving players control over the platform a reality. The use and tokenization of different cryptographic protocols also allows for greater investability in the ecosystem of a particular game, such as infinity axis.

Fountain: Cointelegraph Research “Top 20 Blockchain Games Report

The Cointelegraph Research Team

Cointelegraph's Research department comprises some of the best talent in the blockchain industry. By bringing together academic rigor and filtering through hard-earned, practical experience, the team's researchers are committed to delivering the most accurate and insightful content available on the market.

Michael Tabone is Cointelegraph's deputy director of research. The research team is made up of subject matter experts from all fields of finance, economics and technology to bring to market the leading source of industry reports and insightful analysis. The team uses APIs from a variety of sources to provide accurate and useful information and analysis.

With decades of combined experience in traditional finance, business, engineering, technology and research, the Cointelegraph Research Team is perfectly positioned to make proper use of its combined talents with the “Top 20 Games of 2023 Report”.

The opinions expressed in the article are for general informational purposes only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual or on any specific investment product or security.