Google DeepMind restructuring aims to deliver next-gen AI breakthroughs

Google and Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai has announced that two entities within the company have merged to form a new business unit dedicated to developing the next generation of artificial intelligence (AI) progress and products.

The new unit, Google DeepMind, was formed by merging Google Research's Brain team and DeepMind, a London-based artificial intelligence company that Google bought in 2014. The newly formed business unit aims to accelerate the company's progress. in the development of artificial intelligence in a safe and responsible way. manner.

by Pichai goal by combining Google's AI talent into a focused team is "significantly accelerating our progress in AI." Jeff Dean, the Chief Scientist at Google Research and Google DeepMind, who will report directly to Pichai, has been tasked with creating a series of powerful multimodal AI models.

With people like Tesla CEO Elon Musk stating AI has the potential to destroy civilizationPichai clarified the intent behind the unit's creation:

โ€œTo ensure bold and responsible development of general AI, we are creating a unit that will help us build more capable systems in a safer and more responsible way.โ€

While Pichai said that the developments resulting from the unit will be used to improve Google's products, specific details are still unknown at the time of writing.

Related: Elon Musk Reportedly Plans To Start An AI To Compete With ChatGPT Maker OpenAI

Meanwhile, a recent survey of 11,004 US citizens revealed that there are Main fears of an AI acquisition in the workplace.

56% of those surveyed believed that AI would have a major impact on the US economy, while only 13% believed that โ€œAI will help more than hurtโ€ American workers.