Guatemala volcano erupts but no evacuations yet

GUATEMALA CITY, Guatemala: Guatemala's Fuego volcano began a strong eruptive phase on Thursday (Friday in Manila), spewing lava and ash in a series of explosions that have yet to force evacuation, authorities said. The eruptions produced a long river of lava flowing toward the base of the volcano, about 35 kilometers (22 miles) southwest of the capital Guatemala City, said Emilio Barillas of the Insivumeh volcano institute. Fuego, 3.7 kilometers high (12,240 feet), is one of three active volcanoes in Guatemala. The recently recorded activity is the strongest since June 2018 when Fuego unleashed a torrent of mud and ash that wiped the town of San Miguel Los Lotes from the map, Barillas said. More than 200 people died. On Thursday, several communities at the foot of the mountain reported nothing more serious than an ash downpour, said the national disaster coordination center Conred.

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