Hacker Claims to have Twitch’s Source Code with User Payment Data…

An unidentified hacker claimed to have obtained the full source code for Twitch, as well as the user's payment details. On Wednesday, the person uploaded a 125GB torrent link to 4chan, claiming the leak was intended to "encourage more disruption and competitiveness in the online video streaming space," as "their community is a disgusting cesspool. and toxic ". Video Games Chronicle (VGC) can confirm that the files referenced on 4chan are freely available for download, as indicated by the unidentified hacker. According to an anonymous corporate informant, the stolen material is authentic, including the source code from Amazon's streaming site. According to the insider, Twitch is aware of the attack internally and the information was stolen as recently as Monday.

Some Twitter users have been studying the 125GB of material that has been posted, and one says the torrent also contains encrypted passwords and advises users to set up two-factor verification to be safe. Following the Twitch hack, users are encouraged to also use two-factor authentication. The torrent is also said to contain Unity code for a video game called Vapeworld, which appears to be chat app software on Amazon's unannounced Steam rival, Vapor. Similarly, Vapor, a supposed Steam competitor in development, is said to include several of Twitch's features in a custom game store.

Finally, the stolen records allegedly indicate that prominent broadcasters such as Shroud, Nickmercs, and DrLupo have made millions of dollars from their work with the popular streaming site. The unknown cyber thief has said that this is only the first part of the content that has been published, but has not revealed what else the individual wants to reveal. Twitch is frequently reprimanded by producers and users who believe the service does not take strong enough action against problematic members of the streaming community. In reaction to the hate raids, a group of Twitch gamers asked other channels and users to boycott the platform for 24 hours last month.

VGC did not download the entire torrent, although it does include 125GB of material. Twitch posted a post on Twitter the day the campaign was revealed, saying that it was working to curb hate raids, but that it was not an "easy fix." "No one should be subjected to vicious and hateful attacks because of who they are or what they represent," the statement said. “This is not the Twitch culture that we need, and we want you to understand that we are working very hard to make Twitch a safer environment for artists. Hate spam attacks are the consequence of highly motivated evil actors, and there is no simple solution.

Your complaints have helped us take action - we've constantly updated our site-wide banned word filters to help prevent variants on vile insults, and we've been removing bots when they have been spotted. “For months, we have been working on identifying channel-level ban evasion and account enhancements to prevent this nefarious behavior. Unfortunately, as we focus on the alternatives, the bad actors work together to figure out ways through them, so we can't always provide details. "

Tajammul Pangarkar

Tajammul Pangarkar is a technology blogger and has contributed to numerous technology magazines. Tajammul's extensive experience in the field of mobile technology and industry research is reflected in his engaging news articles featured on News.market.us. His interest lies in understanding technology trends, mobile applications, and technical awareness in these increasingly consumer-oriented industries. When he's not brooding over the world of technology, he can be found playing table tennis or hanging out with his friends.

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