Hackers may have obtained 190GB of sensitive data from Samsung | Engadget

According to reports, some of Samsung's sensitive data was leaked due to a suspected cyber attack. On Friday, the South American hacking group Lapsus$ uploaded a large amount of data that it claims came from the smartphone maker. was one of the first publications to report on the incident.

Among other information, the collective says it obtained bootloader source code for all recent Samsung devices, as well as code related to highly sensitive features such as biometric authentication and on-device encryption. The leak allegedly also includes sensitive Qualcomm data. The entire database contains approximately 190 GB of data and is actively shared in a torrent. If the content of the leak is accurate, it could cause significant damage to Samsung.

According to , the company is evaluating the situation. We've reached out to Samsung for comment.

If Lapsus$ sounds familiar, it's the same group as responsibility was claimed for the recent . In that incident, Lapsus$ says it obtained approximately 1TB of sensitive data from the GPU designer, including, the group claims, schematics and driver source code. The collective demanded that NVIDIA open up its drivers and remove the cryptocurrency mining limiter from its RTX 30-series GPUs. It is unclear what, if any, demands Lapsus$ has made of Samsung. The group has previously said its actions have not been politically motivated.

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