Harry and Meghan Netflix Doc Shows Trolls Calling Her a ‘Publicity Seeking C**t’

prince harry and Meghan Markle's new Netflix docuseries shows some of the horrific trolls directed at Meghan after their relationship went public. In the second episode of harry and meghan, which was released early Thursday, Harry says: “People are still harassed by the paparazzi, but the harassment really exists more online now. Once the photos are published and the story is placed next to them, the bullying comes on social media.” The documentary then cuts to a series of news articles about Meghan on social media along with comments including one saying she "started a race war", another saying "we hate you MM" and a third calling her " damn he's looking for publicity". Comparing the media harassment with that experienced by her mother, Princess DianaSays Harry: “Watching another woman in my life that I love go through this feeding frenzy, that's hard. Because he's basically the hunter versus the prey."

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