
Hero South Yorkshire Police sergeant dives into River Don to pull stricken man from torrent and save life

Sergeant Guss Hudson went to the river to carry the 75-year-old to safety Friday afternoon. The man who was rescued is currently recovering in hospital.

Police had been called at 1 p.m. for a report that a man was fighting on the Don River. He was reported to be upside down and being washed away by the river, which was swollen from recent rain. Members of the public were unable to save him and called the police.

A South Yorkshire Police spokesman said Sgt Michael Patton quickly coordinated a response with the fire service and ambulance service and went directly to the scene, near Doncaster, where they found the man in the river struggling to hold his head. out of the water.

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The River Don in South Yorkshire

Sergeant Hudson entered the fast-flowing river and swam toward it. He managed to reach the 75-year-old man and take him back to the riverbank where the ambulance service awaited him. The man is now recovering in the hospital.

Superintendent Neil Thomas said he praised both sergeants for their reaction.

He said: “I have no doubt that Sergeant Hudson saved this man's life. He did not think of his own safety when he entered the water to save the man.

"Often times these incidents can have a different outcome, but with the bravery and quick thinking of both sergeants, I am very happy that this one has a good ending."

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