Internet Computer founderโ€™s $250M plan to help end the war in Ukraine

Internet Computer (ICP) and DFINITY founder Dominic Williams has come up with a bizarre plan to hasten the end of the Russian invasion of Ukraine through smart contracts and $250 million in crypto rewards.

DFINITY's Internet computer was released in May 2021 and it is a blockchain and public protocol that is trying to decentralize the Internet.

Williams' March 16 proposal is in focus in countering propaganda and informing the Russian population, which suggests that they are generally "completely ignorant", about the reality of what is happening. really taking place in Ukraine, which, in turn, will prompt them to put pressure on the government to stop the conflict.

โ€œWe should not hold out too much hope that sanctions alone will turn the Russian population against their leaders, for the simple reason that they control their media, which obediently broadcasts carefully crafted propaganda and misinformation,โ€ Williams wrote.

The proposal suggests that blockchain technology and smart contracts could serve as a way to get large numbers of verified Russian citizens to watch "news media" about the war together at virtual reality parties called "people parties":

โ€œEach attendee that proves their personality using the people party system is then identified with smart contracts as an individual human being. The system prevents cheating, so that in each race, a person can only attend exactly once.โ€

โ€œIn this proposal, smart contracts would open a new crypto account for each successful attendee, which they can access and control using an Internet Identity,โ€ the post added.

To incentivize citizens, Williams proposes that crypto rewards can be used on assets such as Bitcoin (BTC) and Ether (ETH). Every Russian citizen will have to watch until the end of the videos, as the pin numbers linked to their accounts will not be unlocked until all content has been consumed.

โ€œThe video broadcast will tell the truth about the war in Ukraine and will ask the Russians to put pressure on their government to cease hostilities. The best way to build such a video should be left to talented filmmakers. An unwatermarked version must be made available for download, allowing the recipient to show the video to others,โ€ Williams wrote.

Related: The President of Ukraine signs a law establishing a regulatory framework for cryptocurrencies

Willaims' suggested $250 million sum is based on his recommendation to pay each participant $50 per video viewed, in hopes of attracting 5 million Russians to watch the informational videos.

The plan relies on many contingencies being met, the most important being that the Internet stay online without interference from the Russian government to facilitate such a grandiose plan. Responses on Twitter highlighted that officials in Moscow are reportedly considering disconnecting the country from cyberspace.

Other Twitter users were not impressed with the idea as "Omega.ic3" who criticized the move as a PR stunt:

โ€œThere is no way this idea has a real chance of impacting public opinion in Russia. So it seems like a cheap PR opportunity, ultimately trying to capitalize on the situation by jumping on the popular opinion bandwagon and increasing visibility.โ€