Is That a Decemberists Song in the New ‘Suicide Squad’?

Here's a list of things you didn't expect to find while watching Suicide squad, a movie in which Pete Davidson plays a gentleman named Dick Hertz: 1. Pathos, 2. Orange Crocs, 3. The voice of Colin Meloy.

So imagine my surprise when 15 minutes in Guardians of the Galaxy In director James Gunn's new superhero epic, Meloy's unmistakable twitter cut through a scene of Idris Elba dressed in an orange crocodile performing prison duties.

"I wasn't ready for war," Meloy sings over a smooth honky-tonk piano as Elba cleans, scrubs, and flushes her hair down a drain. Against all odds, there it is: "Sucker's Prayer," a cut from the Decemberists' even more recent 2018 album, I'll be your girl right on top of the Hollywood blockbuster of the moment. ("The Fool's Prayer" is not to be confused with the crazy Lady Gaga / Father John Misty co-wrote "The Sinner's Prayer", but we'd like to see it come up in Avatar 2, Many thanks.)

This experience unleashed an immediate and unstoppable stream of follow-up questions: Has a superhero movie ever portrayed the lyrics "like a Rimbaud to a Baudelaire before"? Will Elliott Smith will feature prominently in the new Strange doctor? Wait, Sylvester Stallone plays a shark in Suicide squad?

No one can know for sure. * Meanwhile, you can watch the video with the lyrics of "Sucker's Prayer" and the preview of Suicide squad below. Truth is, I haven't finished the movie, but after I was alerted to the needle drop and realized the first 15 minutes, I'm more interested than this morning! It's in a wide theatrical release right now (Fox Tower, Laurelhurst, Pioneer Place, Lloyd Center, St. Johns Twin Cinema, and Century Easport are showing it), and it will also air on HBO Max until September 5.

*If you can.

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