
It’s a pylon pile-on! – Lincolnshire County Council

Councilors were shocked by National Grids' plans to install a series of huge pylons along the Lincolnshire coast.

The plans were announced as part of National Grid's Big Grid Update, an overhaul of the electricity grid involving new infrastructure projects across the country.

The network proposes to install new overhead cabling across Lincolnshire between Grimsby and Walpole near Wisbech in Cambridgeshire, along with new electrical substations.

Cllr Colin Davie, executive councilor for economic development, environment and planning at Lincolnshire County Council, said:

“This so-called 'Big Grid Upgrade' won't be great for Lincolnshire's visitor economy as these towers, substations and overhead cables will carve up our beautiful landscape.

“As well as our coastal resort towns, a big part of our coastal charm is the miles of unspoilt nature and beaches that make up East Lincolnshire. There are a number of nature reserves along the east coast, not to mention the Lincolnshire Wolds, whose beauty would be severely affected by these unsightly pylons.

“I understand the need for infrastructure to connect new renewable energy sources to the grid. However, in the rest of the country, National Grid plans to bury these cables underground or under the sea; Why can't that be done in Lincolnshire too?

“And this is not necessarily bringing energy to meet the needs of Lincolnshire. “This wall of cables and pylons will apparently bring power to London and the South East.”

On 5 December 2023, the Lincolnshire County Council Executive approved a Energy Infrastructure Position Statementwhich outlined how the council will respond strongly to major national infrastructure projects like this, to protect agricultural land and prevent developments from blighting the landscape.

Cllr Davie continued:

“We refuse to allow Lincolnshire to be seen as a place to dump unwanted infrastructure projects. But since these tower plans are classified as an Infrastructure Project of National Significance, the permit will not be determined locally.

“The council, as statutory consultee, will ensure that we make our views on the proposals clear to the relevant Secretary of State who will make the final decision on whether to grant consent or not.”

Published: January 18, 2024

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