
January 24, 2018 – Plainsmen Post




For his part, Puigdemont has transferred to Torrent that "there are many possibilities" that he may be physically in the plenary session of the inauguration that will be on January 30.

The president of the Parliament of Catalonia, Roger Torrent, said this Wednesday that he has yielded to the investiture candidate Carles Puigdemont (JxCat) that "what interests the country" and "what he is going to work for" is that there be "Government as quickly and efficiently as possible".

Torrent has met with Puigdemont and the rest of the former councilors who are in Brussels at the headquarters of the European Free Alliance (ALE), which includes ERC among other parties, after the Spanish Government has ordered the closure of the Generalitat office in the Belgian capital, where this meeting was initially going to be held.

“A Government (of the Generalitat) is needed that I can work from minute one“Said the president of the Parliament of Catalonia, of ERC, who has added that "Institutions must recover from the hands of 155".

"Given the desire to dialogue with the Government of Mariano Rajoy, we don't just get no for an answer, but it does not allow us to meet ", has lamented Torrent, who has said that with this prohibition" the fundamental rights of Puigdemont and of the directors are violated not only from the perspective of the Spanish legal framework, but also from the Belgian law ". framework. "

The president of the Parliament of Catalonia has said that the chamber's legal services are already studying what legal actions It can be undertaken due to the fact that it was not possible to meet at the Generalitat office in Brussels, a situation that he has described as "very serious".

Puigdemont statements

For his part, the investiture candidate Carles Puigdemont has insisted that the mandate of the polls, derived from the autonomous elections of December 21, is that he is president of the Catalan Executive in an investiture act that he has said that "The ideal" is that it was "in person".

Likewise, Puigdemont has transferred to Torrent that There is a "high chance" that he may be physically in the plenary session. of investiture that will be on January 30. He stressed that he will work "until the last moment" to participate in person in the plenary session.

"The ideal investiture is the face-to-face investiture and the one we all want there to be and for which the conditions must exist for it to occur", but there are also other paths and for now none can be ruled out. , he is stressed.

Carles Puigdemont has affirmed that "we will not abandon what the people of Catalonia demanded on December 21, we must try the investiture", and added that they will not fall into the "blackmail" of the Spanish Government.

Change of venue

The President of Parliament, Roger Torrent, and the candidate for investiture Carles Puigdemont (JxCat), have met at the headquarters of the European Free Alliance (ALE), a group of European nationalist and independence parties, after the Spanish government Have given not to be allowed the entry of the 'former president' in the office of the Generalitat in Brussels.

Sources from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have also given instructions this morning to suspend the press conference that was scheduled for after the meeting.

For his part, the President of the Spanish Government, Mariano Rajoy, has assured today that the Executive will avoid the investiture of Puigdemont as president of the Generalitat and has underlined that the Executive will go to the Constitutional Court at the moment in which there is an administrative act by the Parliament that intends to carry it out.

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