Kasei Holdings arrives on the London stock market to invest in cryptos

Kasei Holdings enjoyed a low-key entry as a publicly traded stock company on the London Aquis Stock Exchange on Wednesday 4 November.

There was no trumpet fanfare and very little media coverage, and it would be fair to say that a publicly traded company with share capital totaling ยฃ 4.5 million would not initially attract broad interest.

However, this may not be the case in the future.

Kasei investors will be exposed to bitcoin and ethereum, as well as other cryptocurrencies

Kasei investors will be exposed to bitcoin and ethereum, as well as other cryptocurrencies

Kasei (KASH) is an investment firm, investing in companies using Blockchain technology and digital assets, seeking to raise capital from investors and provide them with broad exposure to this fast-growing ecosystem.

Kasei is virtually unique to a UK company in its quest to manage an expanding market-based portfolio of digital assets, while acknowledging the vagaries and pitfalls of this volatile asset class.

For investors, education in the latter should be a prerequisite

The essence of the company is to bring a disciplined traditional investment approach to the digital asset space.

Jai Patel, Chief Information Officer at Kasei, who has experience at Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein and Barclays Capital as a director in equity derivatives trading, said: `` Existing product offerings are bundled into super-sophisticated venture capital-oriented funds, or the assets themselves, which confuse many investors.

โ€œOur goal is to really use our knowledge as a banking / financial / investment management team, with deep experience in volatile asset classes, to translate that experience into this new asset class.

'As such, the investment vehicle provides a diversified exposure to the ecosystem, a kind of one-stop shop, so to speak. Our goal is to focus on what we envision will be the building blocks of the next iteration of the Internet (Web 3.0). โ€

Dr. Jane Thomason, President of Kasei, is a co-founder of the British Blockchain and Frontier Technology Association. It convened the London Fintech Week, the London Blockchain Week and the London Digital Impact Week.

Dr Thomason says: 'Most of the people who own crypto are under the age of 45. Interest in buying cryptocurrencies among older adults is growing, but the lack of understanding and family investment vehicles is a major barrier to investment. ''

Kasei investors will be exposed to bitcoin and ethereum, as well as a wide variety of other digital assets, such as cardano and polkadot, some of which can be very volatile.

You will also invest in new or early-stage projects, which due to the inherent risk involved will constitute 20 percent or less of the capital invested.

Our special Bitcoin & Crypto Demystified Live Panel Discussion will take place on Tuesday, November 16, find out how to watch it below

Our special Bitcoin & Crypto Demystified Live Panel Discussion will take place on Tuesday, November 16, find out how to watch it below

Jai Patel and his management team own 40 percent of Kasei's shares, which aligns them with their investors. Kasei will pay your team a low base salary, with a bonus based on Kasei's performance and the assets you select.

There will be a cap on staff bonuses, which means that only 20 percent of profits can be distributed to staff with the balance held to grow the business.

Such an investment is not for the faint-hearted, as the directors expect Kasei's share price to be volatile, as will the underlying digital assets in which it will invest.

The team has access to a wide range of digital assets, including cryptocurrencies, as well as startups and coin offerings, often before they are in the public domain.

Kasei's research director, Brian O'Beirne, has a law and technology degree from Berkeley, USA.He has been involved in crypto since around 2014 when he started attending bitcoin meetings in San Francisco, and is at a ideal position to identify new trends and opportunities.

Kasei's management team provides the necessary credentials to make measured investment judgments for this new asset class, whose popularity is growing exponentially, but digital assets are volatile and require a sophisticated thought process before investing.

Jonny Fry, Co-Founder and CEO of TeamBlockchain, is a Blockchain, Digital Assets and Funds Specialist and Co-Founder of The British Blockchain Frontier Technology Association.

He founded, and was CEO for over 20 years, Premier Asset Management, a mutual fund company listed on the London Stock Exchange.

> More information: Bitcoin and crypto demystified

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