Key Texting and Driving Accident Statistics in 2023

The dangers of driving a car can be enormous, and you can find out the details behind it by taking a look at the statistics for traffic accidents and text messages in 2023.

The data provides a broad view from many angles of the vehicle accidents that occur.

To get an idea of โ€‹โ€‹how common they are, there are approximately 390,000 injuries caused by texting while driving incidents.

You'll find that the numbers only get more impressive from there.

Data needs to be collected so new and existing drivers are aware of potential hazards.

In this article, you'll get a comprehensive look at some of the most important accident statistics while texting and driving.

key statistics

  • Drunk driving is 6 times less likely to cause an accident than texting while driving
  • There are nearly 400,000 injuries caused by texting while driving accidents
  • A report from the National Safety Council (NSC) shows that texting while driving causes 1.6 million accidents each year.
  • Nearly 95% of drivers support ban on texting and driving
  • Texting while driving has seen a 400% increase in time spent looking the other way on the road

Driving Accidents and Texting Statistics 2023

A growing problem that has been a problem for years, texting and driving is something that a lot of people do.

For some, it's almost common, and while it may be common, that doesn't make it any less dangerous.

For example, one in four car accidents in the US is caused by people texting while driving.

The NSC and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) closely monitor these statistics to raise awareness and create a safer space for divers on the road.

Of course, the severity of each accident will vary, but many have encountered some tragic results, which you can learn more about below.

1. Fatalities caused by texting and driving

Data from 2020 shows that more than 3,100 people died from distracted driving caused by cell phones.

In fact, years of data show that this number does not fluctuate much, as it is common for the US to record between 3,100 and 3,400 distraction-related accidents each year.

From another perspective, it is recorded that in 2020, 8.1% of all car accident deaths were caused by texting and driving.

This number may not seem very large, but it is a considerable number that should not be ignored.

The majority of fatalities caused by distracted driving are in the 15-20 age group.

This group accounts for 7% of all fatalities, clearly indicating that it is a rampant problem among many new drivers. Even if you widen that range a bit, the numbers don't improve much.

People ages 15-29 saw more than 15,000 deaths due to texting and driving.

In 2016, 10% of all teen vehicle fatalities were caused by the distraction of Mobile phone wear.

Overall, 21% of teen drivers involved in fatal crashes were distracted.

There are many laws in place to help prevent such actions, but it has become so common that the vast majority of the population does so.

Although it is important to know the deaths in these particular statistics, they are not the only data that matters.

Reviewing statistics over many years helps us plan what needs to be done in the future.

2. Car Accident Injuries While Distracted

Fatalities are a big concern in general when it comes to motor vehicles, but injuries are far more common.

Every year, accidents caused by texting and driving lead to 390,000 injuries.

This number isn't all that impressive when you consider that more than 650,000 people use their phones while driving at any given time.

Injury numbers fluctuate, as 2020 data shows the year came in with 325,000 crashes caused by texting and driving.

2012 and 2013 were particularly bad years, with 421,000 and 424,000 injuries recorded.

Anyone who sustains an injury from a car accident can look forward to their own unique path to recovery.

Some situations are worse than others, but texting while driving requires a fair amount of work before these numbers start to drop noticeably.

3. Other Important Texting and Driving Stats

Driving accident and texting

AAA released a survey indicating that 94% of teen drivers understand the dangers of texting while driving.

Although this is true, 35% of them admitted to doing it despite everything.

The data also highlights that teens are much more likely to be in a car accident when they are distracted by their phones.

Four times more likely to be accurate, and teen drivers with multiple passengers also increase the chance of a distracted crash.

With each passing year, statistics show us that all of these numbers will fluctuate quite a bit.

Unfortunately, the problem doesn't seem to be getting much better.

There is an addictive nature that comes with cell phone use, and all the sounds and notifications associated with it can be distracting.

2012 was a big year for data and statistics on distracted texting and driving.

Some of the statistics that came out of that year can be quite shocking and provide a good benchmark for what has changed over the years.

Important statistics for 2020 include:

  • 3,328 deaths caused by distraction-related accidents
  • 11% of drivers involved in fatal distracted driving accidents were under the age of 20
  • 25% of teens respond to at least one text while driving
  • 20% of teens admit to having multi-text conversations while driving
  • Nearly half of all drivers admit to answering their phones while driving
  • One in ten drivers surveyed admitted to sending a text or email while driving

As unfortunate as some of these numbers are, it's still a common problem today.

Considering how normal texting has become in our everyday lives, most people pick up their phones by second nature.

On average, replying to a text message takes about five seconds.

When traveling at 55 mph, five seconds is about the length of a football field.

So when replying to a text message, on average, users take their eyes off the road for about the length of an entire football field.

That's a good way to put into perspective how dangerous texting and driving can really be.

For us, it only lasts a few seconds, but that small amount of time can lead to disaster in an instant.

Taking the consequences seriously

Texting and distracted driving is something that affects essentially every age group on the road.

With thousands of people killed every year, groups like the NSC and NHTSA are working to raise awareness about the problem.

Many people in society play a role in this, as it is important to teach young people the dangers of texting and driving.

Much of this can start with the youth themselves, as they can talk to their peers and make sure they are as safe as possible.

From social media to talking to friends and family, teens have a lot of influence on the topic.

Of course, adults must also participate.

Parents bring a lot of leeway on the subject, as they are an influential presence in children's lives.

A good starting point is for parents to set an example, as many children will simply copy what their parents do.

Understanding safe driving starts early, not just when someone gets their first driver's license.

In addition to friends and family, educators and employers can also be helpful, as this issue requires the cooperation of the community.

Educators are another influential presence in the lives of many young people.

It requires constant efforts and reminders as the youth grow older; to help instill the seriousness and reality of the situation.

There are a lot of different people in your life who are likely to talk to you about texting and driving, but it's also about personal choices.

Whether you're just getting your license or have been driving for years, minimizing texting and driving is sure to save lives.

From minor to serious injuries or even death, texting and driving can have some unexpected and quick consequences.

The importance of NHTSA


Without the help and advocacy of groups like NHTSA, we wouldn't see much progress in distracted driving cases.

Nationwide, NHTSA works hard to spread awareness about distracted driving.

This isn't just about texting and driving, as there are many things that can distract us while we're on the road.

The group also works with state and local law enforcement agencies to create laws that can help minimize driving and texting incidents.

Through numerous campaigns and public service announcements, NHTSA is focused on keeping Americans of all generations safe on the road.

With the help of social media and online advertisements, NHTSA's efforts become more effective over time.

NHTSA also provides investments at the federal level to help address the specific needs of each state.

Through these ongoing efforts, NHTSA and other groups like it are a powerful force against incidents involving distracted driving.

In conclusion

Even if you haven't been in an accident due to distracted driving, it's only a matter of time if you're constantly texting while driving.

The road can be an unpredictable place, and distracting incidents are easy to avoid by ignoring cell phone use.

Minimizing this type of accident will require a continuous effort on the part of society.

In this article, you learned about some of the most important statistics for traffic accidents and text messages in 2023 and how the topic is handled as a whole.


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